100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1340 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (12)


Yu Chu snorted coldly, playing the role of a qualified bad girl, and said coldly: "What do I want to do? You have forgotten what I said last time? I said that if you come to me next time, it will not be as simple as calling the police. already."

Saying that, she turned around and said to the person next to her, "Don't be afraid, Doctor Jiang, stand far away and don't get hurt."

Jiang Yan was stunned.

The group also looked at him.

The man's clothes are exquisite and meticulous. The watch and cufflinks, including the tie, are expensive. At first glance, the gold glasses are beautiful and calm.

In the sight of everyone, he nodded politely, and then stood obediently to the side.

Huang Mao winked at the crowd behind him:


A group of people rushed up with sticks.

Yu Chu raised the corners of her lips, twisted her wrists with great interest, and the sound of the bones between her fingers crackled. She hooked up her mask, lifted her feet, turned her body and turned into the air, and slashed a person's neck with one foot. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Jiang Yan blinked his eyes behind the lens.

But after a few minutes - the girl simply killed a group of people neatly, reached out and picked up the stick that fell on the ground, and walked towards the yellow hair and red hair in the lead.

Dr. Jiang watched gently from behind.

Huang Mao lay on the ground and cried bitterly, "Oh, auntie, forgive us this time, we won't dare to come to you again, please have a lot of adults..."

"Heh." The girl spat out a single syllable from her lips in disdain, raised the stick and hit it mercilessly, causing Huang Mao to faint.

Yu Chu knocked people out one by one, and then calmly called the police on the public phone.

She clapped her hands, "Let's go, Doctor Jiang."

Jiang Yan slowly walked out of the shadows.

Yu Chu said with concern: "Aren't you scared?" \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She was also a little helpless.

At first glance, Dr. Jiang is a social elite, rich and low-key and rigorous. Now he may completely think that he is a bad girl, and it will be much more difficult to get close.

But she didn't have any idea of ​​getting close.

However, unexpectedly, Dr. Jiang raised his eyes, and the dark blue eyes behind the delicate glasses were curved, and he smiled gently, "Thank you."

"Thank you, they originally came after me and implicated you." Yu Chu glanced at the people on the ground.

Jiang Yan asked, "What kind of grievance do you have?"

Yu Chu was silent for a while, thinking for a while. Anyway, she is already bad, and she doesn't mind being a little bad.

She casually said: "This guy gave me drugs in a nightclub... Hmph, I'm not stupid. Last time I hit them and called the police, they naturally hold grudges. If they were caught this time, they had drugs on them, and they would definitely be arrested. It's under control, so you don't have to worry too much in the future."

Jiang Yan was silent for a while.

The girl turned back, her dark eyes under the cap, her eyes narrowed slightly: "Dr. Jiang has never been in contact with these, right? Drugs or something." She suddenly shrugged and waved her hand freely, "Forget it, I won't eat, I and I The world where Dr. Jiang lives is too far away, thank you for taking care of Dr. Jiang today, I will go home and sleep."

Yu Chu plans to leave first.

It's not too late to come back when you become famous.

Now her image and life are really bad, and at first glance, she is far away from people like Jiang Yan.

She took a few steps.

However, after a while of silence behind him, the man strode his long legs calmly and caught up with her without much effort.

A delicate white hand held her wrist.

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