100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1341 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (13)


His hands were slightly cold, but the slender phalanx holding his wrist was extra comfortable to touch.

Yu Chu turned his head.

Dr. Jiang let go of his hand politely, and behind the golden lens, he still had a polite and elegant temperament.

"Don't think too much, I don't mind that." After a pause, he said gracefully, "You are a good girl."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

Um? The feeling of being praised by a good person is really subtle.

She paused and nodded, "Well then... let's go eat, I'm so hungry."

In a blink of an eye, she turned around and walked towards the garage as if nothing had been born.

Jiang Yan squinted his beautiful eyes behind him, his thin lips were slightly hooked, he walked forward slowly, and said peacefully, "If you don't mind, go to my place to eat."

The girl turned her head and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Dr. Jiang said slowly: "I'm not used to eating out, and it's not very hygienic outside."

Yu Chu instantly understood.

Doctors are always very particular about hygiene.

She got into the car and said, "Okay, but I don't know how to cook, so please let Dr. Jiang cook by himself."

"Of course, I was the one who invited you." The other party replied calmly, and closed the door gently with his lips hooked.


The houses of the rich are different. Yu Chu changed his slippers, looked up and followed the owner of the house to the living room.

When Jiang Yan returned home, he lightly took off his coat, rolled up the sleeves of his snow-white shirt, revealing a fair arm, the blue light of the watch lined with the crystal lamp, and every move showed the elegance of an elite, polite and courteous.

He raised his eyes to look at the girl and smiled, "I'm home now, the hat and mask can be taken off."

"Oh." Yu Chu reached out and took off his hat, casually stroked his length, and then took off his mask.

The girl's beautiful brows and eyes are full, and her dark eyes are calm, revealing a lazy look.

Jiang Yan stood aside, his eyes narrowed under the delicate and gentle lenses, and his eyes darkened slightly.

The slender man raised his hand lightly, his fair and beautiful fingers loosened his tie, concealing his dark eyes, the sexy Adam's apple rolled slightly for a second.

But his thin lips were slightly hooked, and he was still a gentleman like a jade, gentle and elegant: "Wait here, you can watch TV for a while. There are cold drinks in the refrigerator, so you can choose the taste you like. "

"Okay." The girl was not polite at all, as if she was in her own home, she ran around him and ran into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and Yu Chu raised her eyebrows.

As expected of a doctor... Her gaze slid across a row of serious and serious foreign language labels and looked at it for a while.

There was a faint cold fragrance approaching from behind, a very beautiful hand reached out, took out a can of cold drink, and a nice and gentle voice was close to the ear, "You drink this one, it should be the taste of your young girls. "

Yu Chu took the cold drink.

The gentleman behind him backed away and went to the kitchen.

Yu Chu took the cold drink to the living room, opened it and took a sip. It really tasted very good, fragrant and refreshing.

She smacked her lips and fell down comfortably to watch TV.

Ah, this little cutie from this plane is gentle and considerate and will take care of others, it would be nice if she could rely on it...

When Jiang Yan came out of the kitchen, he saw a bottomed can of drink, and his gentle expression was a little helpless, "It's cold, don't drink too much at one time."

The girl stuck her tongue out at him, held the remote control indifferently, and continued to stare at the TV.

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