100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1342 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (14)


Because of the cold drink, her lips looked even more rosy, and her tongue was also red when she just stuck out her tongue.

Jiang Yan stood there for a few seconds.

"It's dinner. Don't watch TV while eating, it's not good for digestion." He smiled and said.

In other people's homes, Yu Chu was still very obedient, so he obediently turned off the TV and went to help him serve the dishes.

The little cute craftsmanship is still very good.

Yu Chu finished dinner and leaned back comfortably on the sand, reluctantly not wanting to go home.

Dr. Jiang is really comfortable here.

But she can't really rely on it.

Yu Chu got up from the sand regretfully, and when the other party walked out of the kitchen, he consciously said, "It's getting late, Dr. Jiang, I'll go back now."

Hearing that, the other party walked towards her, Yu Chu hurriedly waved at the person, "You don't need to send it, I will do it myself."

The slender man stepped forward, but leaned against the wall, his eyes were beautiful under the gentle glasses.

"Do you live nearby?" he asked.

"Yeah." The girl nodded honestly.

Dr. Jiang raised his wrist and glanced at the time, and then quietly said: "Is it a long-term stay? I heard that it is about to be demolished. Next... Where do you plan to go?"

He has always been gentle, and the sudden questioning seems to be normal concern. Yu Chu didn't hear anything else, and answered honestly: "Not yet. But the house is easy to find, I don't choose a place, just live there. "

This is the truth. In the last days, she often sleeps in the wild.

And I will start a career in the entertainment industry right away. When I have money, I just need to move out.

Yu Chu didn't think it was a big deal.

She blinked, looking at each other innocently.

Dr. Jiang's thin lips evoked a radian, which could not be said to be warm or pampering, but gave a friendly and kind feeling, he said: "I am renting a friend's house here, living alone is a bit big, but my friend gave it to me. The price is cheap, so I'll stay here forever. If you don't have a place to go, why don't you share a room with me?"

Yu Chu was taken aback.

She looked up at the house, "Dr. Jiang... is also renting? Long-term rent?"

Jiang Yan lied politely, and his beautiful eyes were light and calm, but he was very convincing: "Yes, my family background is not very good, and the salary is not very good, so I rented a friend's apartment. The rent he gave was very low, If you want to live, you don't have to pay me, you can usually help organize the house. Is that okay?"

Yu Chu did not doubt his words. However, Dr. Jiang's kindness was obviously for himself. Little cute is more aloof and cold. If it is another person, even if he thinks the house is big, I am afraid he has no idea of ​​living together.

So she didn't think too much, and showed a happy look appropriately, "Really? Wow...I..."

"The door of the room can be locked. You choose a room, and I'll give you the key," Jiang Yan said slowly, with a gentle and gentle expression. "Don't worry about anything else, the security here has always been very good."

Yu Chu knew that this was sharing a room with a boy after all. He said that the door could be locked and the key was given to her, which was a thoughtful expression that she didn't have to be too scruples.

Really very gentlemanly and elegant.

And Yu Chu didn't think that Dr. Jiang would think about him. She is too bad now.

So the matter was settled.

The girl went home happily and planned to pack up the things and move it over tomorrow. Jiang Yan didn't insist on sending her off either. He gently watched her go out, with a smile on his thin lips.

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