100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1348 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (20)


In the night, half of his face was hidden in the shadows, while the half of his face illuminated by the street lamps showed an astonishing beauty, with a high nose bridge, blushing thin lips, and a pair of black and blue, cold and carefree. lazy eyes.

There is a little spark on his fingertips, the beautiful white color is abstinent, and the slender white fingers are holding a cigarette. He seems to hook his lips, and the sexy mist is lingering, dissipating in the night, and he walked over safely.

Sunny looked at him blankly.

When he came over, the cigarette was out. He threw the cigarette into the trash can, and then slowly, put on the gold wire glasses that were originally hanging on the neckline.

When he came to him, the slender and beautiful man was already gentle and gentle-elegant and gentle.

He glanced at Sunny, then smiled at Yu Chu, and asked softly: Shall we go back?

In fact, Yu Chu didn't return to his senses.

Dr. Jiang's wife is also very good-looking.

The languid puff of smoke just now, without glasses, astonishing beauty, and the seductive mist between thin lips and fair fingers, are all so beautiful that they are soul-stirring.

She was stunned, then nodded.

Dr. Jiang curved his lips gently, still in his elegant and graceful appearance, and stretched out his hand to pull her naturally.

Yu Chu was pulled away in a daze.

It wasn't until she got into the car and left, she hesitated for a while, and then carefully asked: I didn't expect Dr. Jiang to smoke too?

Jiang Yan smiled, surprised?

Well, the girl blinked and said a little unsure. The first time they met, Dr. Jiang also told the driver not to touch cigarettes. I thought doctors weren't very good at smoking, and you don't seem to have touched it.

Generally do not touch. Dr. Jiang still had a good temper, and his voice was cold and sweet.

Yu Chu asked subconsciously: Are you in a bad mood?

Jiang Yan didn't answer.

His profile was the same as when Yu Chu saw him for the first time, but the gold-rimmed glasses made a more expensive and attractive outline, with beautiful eyelashes to the bridge of his nose.

Neither. After a long while, he answered slowly, his voice calm, but a little upset.

Before Yu Chu asked anything, he turned his face and glanced at her gently, and it was all right.

When he said that, Yu Chu stopped and didn't ask.

The two returned home and saw the cold food in the living room, Yu Chu turned around in surprise, and blinked his eyes innocently and obediently: Have you eaten yet?

Jiang Yan's eyes fell on her face, and she shook her head lightly, it's okay, not very hungry.

How about that.

The girl couldn't help feeling guilty. Dr. Jiang couldn't wait for her, but didn't she say she wouldn't come back?

But at this time, he had just picked him up, and he didn't seem to be in a good mood. Yu Chu decided not to mention this, and then went to the kitchen to warm up the meal himself.

Jiang Yan watched her run into the kitchen gracefully.

He stood in the fantasy place and took off his cufflinks, with slow and graceful movements, and the smile on his thin lips was calm.

After a pause, he took off the cufflinks, hooked his fingers and loosened the tie, then walked into the kitchen with long legs, stood behind the girl, stared at her, and asked in a natural tone, "Chu Chu, the shower in my bedroom." It's broken, can I use your bathroom before going to bed later?

He was so close, and the warm, gentle and elegant voice just now was close at hand, Yu Chu tilted his head unconsciously, rubbed his ears slightly on his shoulders, and then said without any scheming: Oh, okay, you can use it.

Dr. Jiang smiled flatly.

Anxiety was swept away.

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