100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1349 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (21)


Yu Chu quickly felt that something was wrong.

Sitting in her room, wearing soft white pajamas, she couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the bathroom.

There was the sound of rushing water.

She didn't think something was wrong with Dr. Jiang. After all, he was cold and cold, and his personality was relatively difficult to approach.

She just felt that the situation was a little awkward.

The cold and gentle Jiang Meiren is taking a bath in her room... This realization makes people inexplicably nervous.

He usually looks serious and serious. When he first entered the door, the gesture of picking up the watch was elegant and calm.

Thinking about it, Yu Chu couldn't help but glanced at the cabinet in front of the bathroom door. The watch on it was exquisite and expensive.

The gentle glasses are also put aside smoothly.

Yu Chu sighed sadly.

When she is rich, she really wants to take care of Dr. Jiang.

She fell on the bed thinking wildly, and suddenly the bathroom door opened, and a slender figure came out.

Yu Chu got up from the bed and looked at him.

Seeing this, the girl couldn't help being completely stunned.

Jiang Yan had a bath towel tied around his fair waist, and the water droplets hung on the edge of the bath towel. Upward was a belly with beautiful texture, and every line seemed to be carefully carved.

There is a private gym at home, so he doesn't sunbathe very often. While maintaining a sexy figure, his complexion is fair and beautiful. The thin lips on his face are bright red, and the white cheeks emit a crimson mist, which complements a pair of dark blue eyes like jewels. Yes, when squinting, the soul is fascinated.


Yu Chu never thought that Dr. Jiang, who didn't wear glasses and clothes, would be so sexy.

He had a towel casually draped over his head, and a beautiful white hand took the watch before looking at her.

The two looked at each other, Dr. Jiang slightly hooked his lips, and smiled gently: "Rest early."

The atmosphere is still gentle and cool.

The girl blushed: "Okay...Okay."

Jiang Yan walked over in front of her, closed the door thoughtfully, and when the light completely disappeared from the crack of the door, he raised his thin lips and smiled with great interest.

The slender and beautiful man stood in front of the door with his eyes lowered for a long time, and his long and slender hand suddenly knocked.

"……Good night."

After saying good night, he left slowly. After returning to his bedroom, he took out a cigarette from his pocket with his slender fingers, and casually opened the lighter with his other hand, and the bright flame jumped.

That little light jumped at the bottom of the beautiful blue eyes.

In the mist, the man's lazy face was evil and beautiful. He thoughtfully let go for a while, and his eyes became gentle and soft in the mist.

After a long while, he reached out and answered the phone that kept ringing, and said in a light tone, "Hello?"

"When are you going back to China to see?" Some old voices over there said dissatisfiedly, "Unworthy! You said that you are studying medicine, but you will not be returning to China after you have done your research?"

Jiang Yan lowered his head slightly, his eyelashes were long, and his tone was gentle, "I have business here."

"There are already several good girls, and the parents have come to ask your mother, will you meet when you come back?" He didn't give up, "There is still work, aren't there several projects waiting for you here? Last time He also said that he will be back this month, but now it's the end of the month..."

"Well...there was a bit of an accident." Jiang Yan still replied lightly, but Mo Lan's eyes were a little careless, after a pause, his tone softened, "I'm chasing a girl...well...I'm serious. ."

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