100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1356 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (28)


The other party seemed to have not paid attention to her fear at all. He curled his lips slightly, and stared at her politely and coldly. His dark blue eyes were gleaming, and his tone was as slow as usual, but it was less gentle and seemed to be cold.

"Today I am not in a good mood."

He said slowly, then narrowed his eyes, and repeated lightly: "I'm in a bad mood today, so no matter what problems you have, stay away from me."

After he finished speaking, he curled his lips half-gently and half-coldly.

Even though he was smiling, he was still nervous.

The man turned and left lightly, putting on his golden glasses again. Every time he feels irritable, he can't help but take it off, because he is always polite when facing outsiders, and he will relax a little after taking it off.

He had already sorted out his mood, and after taking two steps forward, he remembered something and turned back calmly.

After putting away the irritable and messy emotions just now, he is still the polite and gentle Dr. Jiang, his eyes are gentle and quiet, he smiles inexplicably, and his tone is slow and elegant: "Also, I don't care who she is, and how she treats me. I'd do it all. The office? . . . If she wanted to, I wouldn't say no. Understand?"

A gentle tone, but with a wicked wickedness.

Luo Qu'er was completely speechless, as if she had been slapped in the face, causing a burning pain.

Jiang Yan casually turned around and left.

When Yu Chu came home today, he saw that the restaurant's lights were on and the mouth-watering food was steaming hot, but Jiang Meiren was unexpectedly not here.

She glanced at the door, swiped Weibo in the living room for a while, but she didn't see the other party coming out.

Then she frowned, walked over hesitantly, and knocked on the door: "Doctor Jiang? Are you there?"

After a few seconds, the door was opened, and the slender figure looked down at her and smiled: "What's wrong?"

Yu Chu blinked, pointed in the direction of the restaurant, pursed his lips and asked, "Aren't we going to have dinner together?"

"You go." Jiang Meiren rolled her eyes, gentle and harmless, and said in a flat tone, "I feel a little stomachache when I come back from get off work...I want to rest for a while."

Hearing the stomach pain, Yu Chu opened his eyes slightly.

Pain after get off work? Then he cooks...

She moved in her heart, half concerned and half moved, and quickly reached out to help him and whispered: "What's going on, what's the reason? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I've taken the medicine, no need." The other party smiled and shook his head gently, "Go and eat."

He said he was about to close the door.

Although he was always smiling, Yu Chu felt that the beauty's mood didn't seem to be very good.

Maybe because of discomfort.

She quickly reached the door and hesitated, "Can I help? Or should I go to the hospital?"

Feeling that she was genuinely nervous and concerned, Jiang Yan's thin lips curled up, and her beautiful smile became slightly warmer. He pursed his lips and thought for a while, then looked at her gently: "It's not a serious illness. I used to eat irregularly, and occasionally it hurts for a while. You don't have to worry."

Yu Chu felt even more distressed when he heard this.

The man had a stomachache when he came back, but he cooked food for her, and was locked in the room by himself.

She insisted: "Should I give you a massage? There is a massage method for stomach pain, which can be relieved."

Jiang Yan narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, and then smiled warmly, "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

As soon as he heard that he could help, Yu Chu nodded without thinking, and walked into the room unprepared.

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