100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1357 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (29)


She looked up curiously.

Jiang Yan's room was very clean, and everything was in order, and it could be seen that the owner had a more rigorous personality.

Turning around the front hall to the bedroom, Yu Chu hurriedly walked over, raised the soft pillow, reached out and patted it, turned his head and said diligently, "Lie down."

Jiang Yan slightly curled his lips, walked forward obediently, and sat on the edge of the bed leaning against the pillow. The snow-colored shirt and black tie showed the owner's gentle and elegant temperament.

Yu Chu sat beside him, stretched out his hand to press his abdomen, and through the thin white shirt, he could feel the tight and beautiful texture underneath. Before she started, a cool and pleasant voice came from above her head, calmly said. : "Not there, a little bit up."


The girl moved up a little awkwardly.

She just casually put her hand up first, but at this moment she felt inexplicably taking advantage of the beauty.

Her hand stopped at the correct position and looked up at Dr. Jiang. He leaned on the head of the bed calmly, staring down at her hand, his expression light and quiet.

Yu Chu's face suddenly heated up.

Such a well-dressed and gentle beauty, lying here so quietly at this moment, letting herself touch, she always felt like she was eating tofu.

She lowered her head to restrain her mood, sat on the edge of the bed and gently massaged his stomach. Dr. Jiang quietly raised his eyes, pursed his thin lips slightly, and looked at her with a gentle expression.

Yu Chu was puzzled, glanced at him, couldn't hold back a little, and wanted to jump up and take a few bites.

Dr. Jiang watched her for a while, and then said quietly, "I watched your live broadcast today."

Yu Chu smiled, "Am I doing well?"

Just now she was browsing Weibo in the living room and saw that the topics of the show were all about her, and some of them were also on the hot search.

Among them, there are also the topics of CP fans, but they were automatically ignored by Yu Chu. She didn't want to bundle up the hype.

At the end of the live broadcast today, Xiao Xianrou blushed and said to invite her to dinner, but Yu Chu refused.

The next time we meet, maybe we should make it clear to the boy that she doesn't accept gossip hype.

Yu Chu thought, a little distracted.

Her wrist was suddenly held by a fair hand. She turned to look at Dr. Jiang, who adjusted her position without saying a word, and then let go and said lightly, "Well, you're doing very well. Your channel has always been very lively."

Hearing Xiao Kawai compliment herself, Yu Chu raised her eyebrows and felt very satisfied. She continued to press on her hand, raised her head and asked, "Is this any better? Is it comfortable?"

Jiang Yan was slightly startled, then hooked his lips in a funny way, Mo Lan's bewitched eyes narrowed, his voice lowered, gentle and seductive: "...comfortable."

Yu Chu's ears suddenly became hot.

After the massage, Dr. Jiang went out to eat with her. At this time, he seemed to be in a better mood. While sitting in the restaurant, he suddenly glanced at her, "I searched for you today... There are a lot of scandals."

Although his tone was gentle and elegant, Yu Chu was still stunned and wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it.

After a long while, she said, "Well... No, it's all rumors. I won't mess with the relationship."

Dr. Jiang hummed softly, "It is said on the Internet that you have had more than a dozen boyfriends, and they have changed recently."

For some reason, Yu Chu's cold sweat broke out, and she quickly explained, "No, it's not that I don't have one, and I haven't had a boyfriend, really."

"Well," Jiang Meiren responded gently, holding chopsticks in her slender and beautiful hands, poking her own rice, and said slowly, "It's also your freedom."

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