100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1364 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (36)


She didn't watch the barrage much during the live broadcast, so she didn't quite understand why during the live broadcast, the hot search on Weibo became herself and Dr. Jiang...

She didn't want to gossip and hype, so she deliberately stayed away from that little fresh meat before, so as not to be bound by CP.

But when the object was changed to Dr. Jiang, Yu Chu himself didn't mind, but he was a little embarrassed and worried that the other party would mind.

Jiang Yan held the steering wheel and glanced at her with dark blue eyes. Seeing the girl holding the phone without saying a word, he smiled softly, "What's the matter, what are you looking at?"

Yu Chu put away the phone, "Nothing."


If Dr. Jiang knew that the two of them were pulled together on the Internet... would he be angry?

Yu Chu felt a little hung up.

She put it away and just smiled and said, "Let's go to the city to buy something. There's not enough food in the refrigerator, so I need to buy some drinks."

He stopped the car in front of the city gate.

Yu Chu was stunned and hesitated, "But I don't have a mask and hat... I will be recognized."

The man looked back at her and raised his lips softly.

With his slender fingers, he took the bag in the back row, and took out the mask from it. Before Yu Chu could reach out to take it, he leaned over naturally, brushed his warm fingers over her ear, and hooked the mask behind her ear, his fingertips warm. .

Yu Chu was stunned, his earlobes a little numb.

The person in front of her lowered her eyes intently, straightened her head, and buttoned the coat and hat behind her.

"Okay, okay," he said.

Yu Chu got out of the car dizzy, and was dragged towards the city. He followed Doctor Jiang to buy things, and was pulled out again, his face was always a little hot.

She sighed deeply.

Should I say that my concentration is not enough, or that Dr. Jiang is too good at teasing? Always inexplicably teased to blush.

She caught a glimpse of a dozen beer cans in the bag, and couldn't help blinking, "Are you going to drink beer to celebrate today?"

"Well..." Jiang Yan was silent, "I think there will be a celebratory atmosphere."

Under Sven's golden wire lens, Jiang Yan's beautiful eyes contained a trace of tangled uncertainty.

He hasn't been drinking. Never touched beer.

But it shouldn't matter, beer is not as easy to get drunk as liquor, just drink a few sips.

So he just put things in the back seat.

Dr. Jiang's craftsmanship always impressed Yu Chu. She happily helped carry the dishes, then opened a can of beer and handed it to the person opposite.

Jiang Yan took it with a smile.

Yu Chu also opened a can for himself, the two touched the glasses, and then moved their chopsticks together to eat warmly.

Halfway through the meal, I drank wine several times.

Jiang Yan began to feel that something was wrong.

There was a blur in front of his eyes, and he felt that his thinking had slowed down, and he was a little confused.

He was silent for a while, then unbuttoned a coat and reached out to take off his gold-rimmed glasses.

Yu Chu raised his head and saw the beauty in front of her with half-dressed clothes, her face was beautiful and lazy, her eyes were half lowered, and her eyelashes were as long as butterfly wings.

...I have to say, Dr. Jiang's temperament is really amazing. He was always polite and indifferent, but at this time he was not so polite, and he showed a bit of aggression.

Seeing that he did not speak, Yu Chu couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with Dr. Jiang? Are you sleepy?"

Hearing the girl's question, Jiang Yan raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and slowly shook his head.

Yu Chu took a breath.

He looked up beautifully and bewitched, the snow-white neckline was slightly open, and the arc of his Adam's apple was sexy.

After a while, he suddenly smiled.

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