100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1365 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (37)


A person who is usually warm and gentle at this time curled his lips into a smile, but inexplicably appeared seductive. Unlike the graceful restraint in the past, the beauty was amazing and a little sharp.

He just smiled, but didn't speak, squinting and leaning back lazily, leaning on the back of the chair, his slender and white fingers casually placed on one side, beautiful like a work of art.

This gesture instantly showed a bit of casualness, even a dark and decadent temperament, black messy covering his brows, his tie on his white shirt was loose, revealing half of his collarbone, every line was very attractive.

Yu Chu was on the side, struggling to look away.

She calmed down, looked over again, raised her eyebrows slightly, "Doctor Jiang, are you...are you drunk?"

He just drank a little beer...

Yu Chu was a little speechless, but when she saw Mo Lan's eyes squinting, no longer gentle, but rather blurred, she knew that this person was indeed drunk. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She sighed, stood up resignedly, walked towards him, put her hand on the back of his hand, leaned over and said, "Doctor Jiang? Get up, I'll help you back to your room."

Dr. Jiang's eyes glittered, her beautiful white hand raised, patted her hand away, and said quietly, "No."

Noble and cool.

Yu Chu: "..."

She endured it without laughing, and continued to lead him patiently, "You are drunk, Dr. Jiang, go back to your room and lie down. I'll clean up here and cook some soup for you."

Jiang Yan raised his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes to look at people, Mo Lan's pupils were cold and lazy, and the darkness was a little messy, almost giving people a sense of darkness.

The girl took a step back.

The man's slender height and deep eyes formed an indescribable oppression, like a dark shadow shrouded in it, making people's heart contract and hold their breath.

He took a step forward, and Yu Chu stepped back slightly.

The beautiful finger holding the scalpel pressed against the wall, completing an evil and lazy wall thump. There was a hint of alcohol in his breath, his messy black eyes were slightly dark, his complexion was fair, and his thin lips were sexy and red.

"Jiang... Doctor Jiang?" Yu Chu was completely shrouded in his shadow, raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and nudged.

Jiang Yan narrowed his eyes and bit the tie into his thin lips casually. The sexiness of this action was breath-taking. When Yu Chu was slightly stunned, he had already casually loosened the tie, and then indifferently loosened his lips and pulled it off.

Without the black tie, the neckline of the shirt opened wider. Yu Chu's eyes were facing the white one, but he didn't react. The other party had already reached out, with long and beautiful fingers, and folded her two hands behind her back. , and then lazily tied it up with a tie.

The girl's eyes widened, "Doctor Jiang?"

"Huh?" The man murmured a syllable between his thin lips, then leaned down, his beautiful fingers clinging to the edge of his tie, looking at her with deep eyes, and said softly and coldly, "You are always so unfamiliar..."

The thin lips fell on her ear, and the warm breath between the lips poured out, kissing all the way along the neck, his voice was hoarse and pleasant, "It's a little more intimate, okay?"

Yu Chu was a little dumbfounded.

It's a little too fast for her.

Her IQ is used on the enemy, and she always looks defenseless in the face of cuteness. What's more, Dr. Jiang has always been gentle and elegant, and has never revealed a single flaw... Even if she has strong observation skills, she is not a match for such a person.

She was expressionless. I feel very sad.

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