100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1374 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (46)


Yu Chu knew very well that for this kind of ruffian, only threats are not enough, and it is true that there are interests.

She spread out her hands and said indifferently: "And drugs, do you have any injections on hand? Give me one."

Huang Mao hesitated, then went back and gave it to her.

Yu Chu put away the needle.

A few days later, Huang Mao did as instructed and reported the success of the plan to Cheng Yingying.

Cheng Yingying was surprised: "Really?"

Huang Mao patted his chest and assured: "I watched her suck it with my own eyes. She bought it from me again in the past few days. She must have become addicted. Don't worry."

Cheng Yingying was overjoyed.

She wanted to bring down Jiang Chuchu for a long time.

She used to be in the girl group, and she didn't like Jiang Chuchu-Jiang Chuchu was good-looking, and no matter what activities, the other party was always in the limelight, and she could only be a foil. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But Jiang Chuchu has a straight temper and offended many people. Last time, she secretly hinted at Sunny, who was in the same company, and deliberately revealed some fake gossip. Sunny really bought the navy to spread rumors and smeared Jiang Chuchu's reputation.

Later, she quit the group and changed to sunny.

Originally, Cheng Yingying should have stopped. After all, the other party has left the group, so it can't hinder her.

But once a bad thing is done for the first time, it is not easy to stop it. This is a feeling of controlling the fate of others, Cheng Yingying decided to completely destroy the other party.

She knew that Jiang Chuchu was in a bad mood and often hung out in nightclubs, so she deliberately bribed people, became Jiang Chuchu's wine and meat friend, and then led her to become addicted to drugs.

Once a star takes drugs, he will never turn around.

Not just fame. The damage caused by this kind of thing to the user itself is also incalculable. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She has been waiting for Huang Mao's reply these days.

But the other party was like steaming in the world and never contacted her again. Cheng Yingying was very anxious.

These days, she has watched Jiang Chuchu rise again. With that popular variety show, her black material has been washed clean, and her fans have soared.

Cheng Yingying watched the show.

What made her very jealous was that Jiang Chuchu seemed to have met a young elite. The interaction between the two on the show and the gentle upbringing revealed by that person made her feel envious across the screen.

Obviously these have nothing to do with themselves.

But jealousy is scary. Even if there is no direct conflict of interest now, Cheng Yingying does not want to stop.

She beat Huang Mao away, and she had this great news in her hand, which made her feel better.

After returning to the lounge, the members of the same girl group saw that she was in a good mood, so they asked, Cheng Yingying just smiled mysteriously, and said, "There is a good show to watch soon."

Regardless of Jiang Chuchu turning over with variety shows...

Or she knew such an excellent scholar and doctor.

There is a drug scandal, she is destined to be unable to turn any waves, and can only be cast aside forever!

If the doctor knew the news, he would be shocked too, right? As a doctor, of course, you will understand that the word "drug" represents what a terrible meaning!

Jiang Chuchu is finished!

The days passed peacefully.

Before going to shoot that horror movie, Yu Chu lived a life of flirting with Doctor Jiang and being flirted with him every day.

At the same time, he also calmly waited for Cheng Yingying's actions.

After a month, she plans to go to the hospital again.

She kept the report of the last medical examination as evidence of her health. Although a physical examination and a drug test are two different things, it is always right to have more things on hand.

This time, when planning to go to the hospital, Yu Chu deliberately did not tell her boyfriend badly, intending to give him a fright.

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