100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1375 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (47)


Although the two were already together, but they didn't make it public, Yu Chu felt that there was still an opportune time. Because she and Cheng Yingying still have a fight, it is not wise to announce their relationship at this time.

Dr. Jiang showed his understanding with a gentle smile on the surface, but Yu Chu almost thought he really understood. When he was tossed to the point of being exhausted, the gentle man leaned over and said in a low voice, "I don't even give credit."

The voice is evil, but it has a subtle tone.

Yu Chu: "Don't you mind?"

"How is that possible." The other party's beautiful face showed an unexplained expression, and then he snorted coldly, and resumed the slow torture.

"Let's be a little longer today," he said gently.

The girl gritted her teeth, "Are you a pervert? After all, you are usually well-dressed, so you can't restrain yourself..."

Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled lowly, and said warmly, "You are a pervert, did you know that?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He narrowed his eyes again, and lowered his eyes gently, "Apart from being handsome, you can also be a beast."


This beast!

Thinking of what happened these days, Yu Chu felt sad for a while. Dr. Jiang should be more obedient during the day, and more disobedient at night...

She sighed, looking in the mirror and applying makeup with great interest. She is now a famous star, and the probability of being recognized on the street is naturally very high.

Therefore, simple camouflage, such as hats and masks, is no longer enough to cover attention.

She painted herself a smoky makeup, just like the first time she met with Dr. Jiang, the temperament of a bad girl came to her face, and she dug out from the closet something she hadn't tried for a long time -- a sexy and revealing style.

Looking in the mirror, Yu Chu was silent for two seconds, and then added a coat in a very cowardly manner. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

If she really dressed like this for Dr. Jiang to see, she probably wouldn't have to live. Dr. Jiang would probably carry her away with a smile, and then drag her home for gentle education.

... My dad also has people he can't provoke.

Yu Chu put on his jacket sadly.

Before going to the hospital, she texted Huang Mao.

Then, he checked his makeup and made sure that the original owner didn't know his mother, so he went out satisfied.

All the way to the hospital, Yu Chu directly hung up the number of the obstetrics and gynecology department, preparing for a pregnancy test.

There were only two people who came to the hospital for pregnancy tests, and Yu Chu, who looked like a bad girl, was alone again, so more eyes fell on her.

Yu Chu sat aside, ignoring those weird gazes, and lowered his head slightly in a trance.

The system told her that she would not have children.

- Not on the small plane.

Yu Chu can't tell what it feels like... She and Xiao Kawai only have a small plane together, which means that she will never be able to give him a child. Although not having children would be beneficial to the mission, she was still inexplicably lost.

A good boyfriend makes people look forward to giving him a baby and want to try to be a mother.

But she felt strange. If there will be no children, it would be better to say that there will be no children. Why do you say that there will be no small planes? Is there a main plane?

She pondered silently, but suddenly there was a commotion in front of her, and Yu Chu raised her head to look over.

A group of men rushed up from the escalator, some holding banners, some holding sticks and other weapons, and one of them was a burly man who directly grabbed the collar of a weak doctor: "Where's your director?"


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