100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1392 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (64)


Fortunately, it was winter now, so it was much more convenient to cover up his appearance. Yu Chu was wearing a scarf, and half of his face was buried in the scarf. The winter hat covered his ears, and he wore a mask on his face.

Dr. Jiang also wore a pair of masks.

Yu Chu stuffed himself into a cute down jacket, but he couldn't tell his figure, but Dr. Jiang was different. This man was tall and long, and no matter what he wore or what color scarf he wore, he looked too beautiful.

The black scarf covered his thin lips. Dr. Jiang lowered his eyes and glanced at his little girlfriend, and adjusted her hat.

The two walked into the theater hand in hand.

The lights in the theater are dim, but there are no amazing eyes cast. The two girls walking in front were talking in low voices.

"Wow, I'm looking forward to it, I haven't seen a horror movie in the cinema yet."

"Me too, I don't know how my family's Chu Chu is acting. This is her screen show..."

"The group of people on the Internet are too annoying. Before the movie is released, they are in a hurry to rant everywhere."

"What's the deal with those people..."

The two walked in whispering, Yu Chu turned his head and asked Dr. Jiang in a low voice, "Did you bring a pen and paper?"

Jiang Yan glanced down at her.

Yu Chu thought he didn't, but as Jiang Meiren who never disappointed, the other side took out a note and a delicate pen from his pocket without changing his color.

"You still bring these with you?" Yu Chu asked casually, but he couldn't help but be surprised.

Jiang Yan smiled with his lips hooked, and his beautiful eyes looked at her gently: "I still have a lot of habits."

Yu Chu took the things and signed two names at random, ready to give them to the two little girls when they left at the end of the movie. She is very friendly towards fans.

After entering the cinema and finding the place, Yu Chu found out that this was a special seat for couples, and could not help but stared at Dr. Jiang vigilantly: "You didn't plan to do anything here, did you?"

Jiang Yan was slightly startled.

The lights in the theater were dim, so he took off his mask. Under Sven's golden lenses, those beautiful and gentle eyes looked over, and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about? I just reserved a seat."

Anyway, it is a couple, it is not surprising to book a couple seat.

Yu Chu knew that he was thinking too much, so he sat back and felt heartbroken for a while. Dr. Jiang is a big-tailed wolf with a black belly and a beast. Every time he does something now, Yu Chu feels that he has ulterior motives.

She sat back and leaned on Jiang Meiren's shoulder.

The movie begins.

In the terrifying atmosphere at the beginning, Jiang Yan quietly stared at the screen, narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, suddenly turned to look at her, and said warmly, "However, if you don't remind me, I haven't thought of it yet, this is a good place too. "

The girl froze.

Jiang Meiren slowly hooked her lips, wrapped her in her arms, looked at the couple seat, and thoughtfully, "So the design of this seat makes sense... I didn't notice it before, it's convenient to get close together, right? "

Yu Chu raised his head and met the beautiful pair of gentle gold-rimmed glasses, and the beautiful eyes behind him narrowed lazily.

At this moment, a terrifying scene was broadcast on the screen. In the couple's seat in the front row, a girl screamed directly and threw herself into her boyfriend's arms.

Seeing Dr. Jiang cover him with a gentle smile, Yu Chu immediately threw himself into his arms, burying his face in the other's arms, not looking up.

The top of her head was quiet for a while, and Dr. Jiang's cold voice gave a chuckle, rubbed her head with her long fingers, and didn't embarrass her anymore, with a bit of pampering.

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