100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1393 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (65)


The film "Trick" uses horror elements to construct a profound social reality drama.

Almost all the audience who left with the idea of ​​watching a horror movie were shocked.

At the end of the film, the flight attendant played by Yu Chu has a monologue. When she uses a slow, almost desperate and hysterical voice, when she vigorously criticizes the society, what conquers people is not only emotion, but also acting.

It was obviously a horror movie, but after the movie ended, the headlights came on, but no one left their seats immediately.

Everyone was busy wiping their tears down.

The two little girls in the front row dawdled and cried for a while, and they didn't stand up until the people next to them had finished leaving.

"Chu Chu's acting is too good..."

"It's really scary, but I think it's a good movie, I'm crying!"

The girl lowered her head and continued to wipe her red eyes.

A pack of tissues was suddenly handed over from behind, and the two girls looked up together, and saw a familiar face - this face had just appeared on the screen, but it appeared in front of her eyes like a dream.

The girls widened their eyes.

Just as they were about to scream excitedly, the girl raised her fingers and made a silent gesture with a smile.

The two girls swallowed their screams and stared at the girl in front of them with bright eyes.

The other party handed them two pieces of paper, "Thank you for liking me, this is the signature for you."

The girls were so happy they almost fainted.

The two almost shook their hands to take it, and at the same time couldn't help peeking at the tall man beside him.

Dr. Jiang in the photo is good-looking enough, but seeing him, there is nothing to describe him except handsome.

He smiled gently, and those beautiful dark blue eyes behind the lens looked at his girlfriend tenderly and dotingly.

The two girls were filled with dog food by one look, but they were satisfied, and even wanted to scream with excitement, until they walked out of the movie theater, they felt like they were in a dream.

And the network at this time-

It's completely blown up.

Audiences who watched the movie gave the movie a five-star rating, and occasionally one or two four-star three-stars. They were also professional movie critics, standing in a very high position, and offered some suggestions for the movie.

This kind of reputation has never been seen before.

What's more, it's a horror movie.

At this point, everyone understands what this means-Jiang Chuchu did not follow the path of a popular idol, but instead used a horror film that was not favored by others to announce to everyone that she wanted to become a powerful actress.

Or rather, she already is.

Whether it's the stunning look in the movie or the explosive acting at the end, Yu Chu has undoubtedly achieved the greatest success in this movie.

Some even predicted that she could be nominated for a film festival actress for this film.

This kind of reputation has already thrown off a lot of other Xiaohuadan, leaving them far behind.

Cheng Yingying was in a trance.

She even had a feeling of embarrassment in her heart, and wanted to embarrassedly cover up the idol drama she was playing.

Compared with the reputation of the other party, her idol drama is really embarrassing...

Fortunately, everyone doesn't know the first two things, they are rumors made by themselves, otherwise it will be over at this time.

A sharp look flashed in Cheng Yingying's eyes.

She now has only the last card left.


She had news that Jiang Chuchu was taking drugs.

As long as this news is exposed, Jiang Chuchu will definitely not dare to check. Because she was really addicted to drugs.

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