100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1417 The Queen Wants to Hug (17)


He didn't rush to flip through the picture album, and after politely thanking the master, he took the things back.

The queen hasn't come back yet.

The little prince casually threw the album on the bed, then walked out and stood in front of the door, squinting his beautiful eyes.

The sun shines on his white, tender and clear face, and his beautiful appearance with red lips and white teeth is soft and cute.

The seventeenth prince was thoughtful.

Suddenly a cat jumped in the corner. There are often such kittens in the cold palace, and no one cares. Only the royal sister sees it occasionally and will feed them something to eat.

The boy's eyes fell on the cat.

Originally thinking of Huangjie, there was a smile on his lips, but then he remembered that the kitten often rubbed against Huangjie's arms, as if she was coquettish...

The child's beautiful eyes froze.

He leaned against the door, staring at the cat faintly, and there was even a hint of trepidation in his eyes.

After a year of practicing martial arts, the little prince is no longer the young child he used to be. If he encounters the woman in red now, he may kill him without hesitation without leaving any hidden dangers.

In this look, the cat meowed and quickly jumped over the wall to escape. The pair of beautiful soft eyes in the back, the gaze was withdrawn casually.

The fair-skinned fingers tapped lightly on his arm, Jing Huai narrowed his eyes, turned around, walked into the room, and climbed onto the bed.

He took the picture book and opened a page with his little hand.

Since Huangjie hasn't come back yet, let's see what martial arts secrets Master has given you...

The picture on the album came into view, and the child froze for a moment, widened his beautiful cat-like eyes, and quickly threw the book far away, as if there was fire on it.

The book fell far away with a snap.

The child blinked on the spot, and his fair little face slowly turned crimson. He pursed his lips hesitantly and doubtfully. He didn't know why, but after looking at a page of pictures, his heart beat violently, which felt very strange.

And instinctively feel shy.

He was too pure to understand anything.

What is this?

The child stayed by the bed for a long time, his eyes flashed, and then he walked over slowly, biting his lips and squinting hesitantly, leaned over and carefully picked up the book.

He endured forbearance, did a good job of psychological construction, and then opened it again, squinting his eyes to take a look.

One man and one woman, naked, overlapping...

He pursed his blushing lips tightly, and his fair little face also turned crimson in a visible degree to the naked eye. He quickly turned a few pages, until the two tender white earlobes were completely red, and then he closed the album at once.

What is this?

Master showed him a naked human body?

Thinking of what I saw, the child who was so pure and ignorant of this aspect only felt a little disgusting, and at the same time had a vague sense of discomfort.

No, this thing has to be returned to the master, and then ask the master what to do for him...

Jing Huai endured the nausea and inexplicable discomfort in his heart, and put the album under the pillow.

I thought it was a martial arts secret book, but since it is a strange picture, I should not show it to the emperor before returning it to the master, lest she worry about the master's teaching.

After he put it away, he suddenly stopped.

The imperial sister is also a girl, and those pictures flashed in his mind, unconsciously remembering the appearance of the imperial sister.

If it's the queen...

The beautiful big eyes moved to the pillow, the child quickly backed away at a loss, his back slammed into the bedpost, and he stopped, with mixed emotions intertwined in his eyes.

If it's the Queen, naturally it won't be disgusting...


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