100 Ways to Get the Male God

1418. Chapter 1418 Huangjie wants to hug (18)


When Yu Chu stepped into the boy's room, he saw him reading a book with his eyes lowered expressionlessly, the candlelight reflecting the boy's eyebrows, his sultry beauty was extremely beautiful.

She smiled and walked over.

Noticing her coming, the other party raised his eyes, closed the book in his hand, and smiled: "Sister Huang."

Yu Chu glanced at him and raised his eyebrows in amazement when he saw that he was reading the military book. Little Seventeen's talent in reading and martial arts is really going to leave children of the same age a few streets away.

Under the light, his smile was soft and cute, but it seemed to have another meaning, hazy.

Yu Chu asked, "You seem to have something on your mind?"

Jing Huai paused.

He blushed.

At this moment, Little Cutie was like a poor little girl, she lowered her thick eyelashes and didn't look at her. In the light of the red candle, the red color of his earlobe could not be seen. He coughed softly and said in a low voice, "No, I was thinking about it. In the book..."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He originally wanted to say that he was thinking about the content of the military book, but in a blink of an eye he thought of the picture book, so the little prince's eyes struggled, and he simply pursed his lips and stopped talking.

The two were eating and washing, and the girl climbed into bed by herself. In the past, Jing Huai might have been happy to share the bed in the past, but today she is standing far away.

Yu Chu turned to look at him.

The young boy was wearing a snow-colored t-shirt, standing quietly under the red candle in the distance, with a few strands of ink hanging down, swept away shadows on his fair and beautiful face. sexy.

He lowered his eyelashes and remained silent.

Yu Chu suddenly felt that the little milk group might not be called a small milk group anymore, he was already a teenager.

She doesn't pay much attention to getting along with the cutie, but in terms of age, in ancient times, children in their teens should have reached the age of half maturity. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

If you are older, fifteen or sixteen years old, it is time to close the house or get married. Time goes by so fast...

She thought for a while, then jumped off the bed and asked, "Does Xiao Huai still want to review some homework? Otherwise, Huang Jie will go back to the room and not disturb you."

The young man raised his eyes.

Standing under the lamp, his lips were red and his teeth were white, and his eyes were shining brightly, and he was surprisingly beautiful.

Hearing this, he said almost immediately, "It's not... it's okay, the emperor, I'm going to sleep too."

The young man stepped forward.

Let the imperial elder sister lie down inside, and the young man will cover her body and cover her carefully. Mo Hang swept down Yu Chu's cheek, she narrowed her eyes, looking at this stunning face so close, his thick and long eyelashes trembled slightly.

The two of them covered a quilt each, and the young man lay down on his back, with his white fingers on his abdomen, and his eyes were slightly closed.

Unlike him lying flat, Yu Chu turned over to face him, closed his eyes and started to rest.

Jing Huai opened his eyes slightly when the people around him were breathing steadily. The beautiful and cold eyes were only half-open at this time, and the long eyelashes drooped slightly, covering the surging dark colors, and they were so beautiful that they were thrilling.

Thrilling should not be described as beautiful, but the young man's magnificent eyes are so seductive.

He opened his tender lips slightly, exhaled a little, and the warm breath dissipated in the air. He turned his face to look at the royal sister, the incense on her body gently enveloped him. The boy's eyes glide over her lips and chin from between her brows, and see the snow white under the loose collar.

Something started to boil over.

He turned sideways and stared at her for a long time before slowly closing his eyes, trying his best to calm his breathing.

However, even if he finally fell asleep, the dream was still the same chaos.


ps (not counted)

There have been some things in the past two days, plus this story was written with enthusiasm, and I didn't think about the plot, let me slow down. There is also a holiday, I am happy today, 3 groups of 97o565378, if you are interested, you can come together for New Year's Day~ Those who do not plan to be in the group for a long time, be careful. Groups have group rules, and everyone is not very willing to withdraw from the group, so think about adding more. The mother in the group forced the vote to be ignored, but I can't persuade her. There is also a requirement of bubbling once a month, and the babies must guarantee this. Welcome to retirement. Haha happy rolling today, sing cool to everyone on New Year's Day~Good night~

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