100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1420 The Queen Wants to Hug (20)


The other party lowered his eyes and did not speak.

Yu Chu couldn't help but smile.

Hmm... the little tits have grown up.

Ever since he had that dream once, the little boy who started to grow up has been unable to face the royal sister calmly.

Fortunately, the embarrassment didn't last long.

When he was a little older, the emperor consciously stopped coming to sleep together. This is a sigh of relief for a shy boy who is physically active.

But the seventeenth prince lowered his eyelashes and was a little disappointed.

However, his mind is too pure, practicing martial arts during the day is very exhausting, and he doesn't often do that kind of dream.

Just once in a while is enough to be absent for a long time.

He doesn't know much about this. The girl in his dreams will always be the only imperial sister, and his mood is a bit complicated. But think about dreaming of other women - and feel disgusting.

On this day, the two were sitting in the gazebo, and Yu Chu casually asked each other some questions. The boy answered casually with his eyelashes lowered, without missing a word.

Yu Chu admires his talent. If he continues to study like this, the princes of the emperor outside are not opponents at all. Don't talk about the cold palace. He is the only one who has ideas.

She sighed, nodded and closed the book: "Xiaohuai has a good homework, according to Master, your martial arts are also excellent..." She thought for a while, and suddenly asked with a smile, "Xiaohuai wants to What reward?"


Hearing this word, the handsome young man's eyes fell on her lips almost instantly, squinting slightly.

The imperial sister grew up with him, and he also kept watching her getting more and more beautiful. That desire was quietly hidden, and he lowered his eyelashes and did not speak.

"Is there nothing you want?" Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

Jing Huai paused for a while, before opening his lips to speak, suddenly there was a charming girl's voice: "This princess is coming here, can you manage?"

Jing Huai frowned.

Yu Chu followed and looked over, and saw a girl dressed in luxurious clothes coming. The girl raised her head and saw two people in the pavilion at a glance.

Her eyes suddenly lit up.

Ignoring the palace servant's obstruction, she came over immediately, staring straight at Jing Huai, her face blushing, but she still said arrogantly: "I haven't seen you for a long time... Do you still remember that you helped me? What's your name? ?"

Yu Chu on the side was completely ignored.

She couldn't help but feel amused.

If it weren't for the melon seeds nearby, she would really like to move a small bench and sit and watch the play while nibbling on melon seeds.

This girl should be the third princess.

Being able to yell in this palace, his personality seems to be domineering, if it weren't for the very favored third princess, I would have been beaten with sacks long ago.

This character is not pleasant.

Obviously, Jing Huai, who has always liked quietness, didn't want her close at all.

The third princess looked at him eagerly, but he didn't even look up, "I don't know you."

"Nonsense! You still called me Huangjie that day!"

The third princess remembered what happened more than a year ago very clearly, and when she heard the words, she immediately blurted out.

She blushed a little as she spoke, and seeing that this overly beautiful young man was finally willing to raise her eyes to look at herself, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows with a smile: "Which imperial brother are you? What's your name? I can talk to the royal father for you and let him let you out of the cold palace."

She was talking and laughing, and she was about to come up, like a close sibling, to pinch the little emperor's face.

The other party raised his hand, his slender fingers clinging to the book, just blocking her outstretched hand.

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