100 Ways to Get the Male God

1421. Chapter 1421 Huangjie wants to hug (21)


A pair of cold and dark eyes were exposed above the book, and a cold murderous aura rushed towards him in an instant, like a beast staring at its prey.

The third princess's scalp went numb, and she took a step back in horror, while the other party had already stood up and turned to look at the other girl next to her.

What made the third princess widen her eyes was that the coldness with murderous intent just now was like an illusion. The light in this person's eyes when he turned his head was soft and clear, not like a beast, but like a cute kitten. ...

He also bent his lips, reached out to hold the other party, and said softly, "Let's go."

what's the situation?

The third princess suddenly felt jealous, and looked at the girl coldly, "Who are you? I don't remember any princess in the cold palace... Are you a palace maid?"

She sneered: "Okay, while His Royal Highness is secluded in the cold palace, is your palace maid deliberately trying to please? Is it possible to expect to be a concubine in the future? There is no one to take care of the emperor's brother, and it seems that you have been coaxed..." \u0026amp ;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The emperor's younger brother's attitude towards this palace maid was so gentle, but he was indifferent to his third imperial sister. This difference made the third princess extremely uncomfortable. After speaking, he gestured to the palace maid behind him with a cold face: "Give me a slap in the face! There is no room for nothing in the palace. Rules, how dare you to deceive the master—"

The maids stepped forward immediately.

However, the next moment, the girl who had been calm all along stood up and smiled at her. The third princess raised her hand before she understood the meaning of that smile.

Unceremoniously, he slapped him down.

With an incomparably crisp slap, the face of the third princess twisted to one side, covering her cheeks in shock.

After a blank second, a burning pain came from her cheeks, and she realized what happened...

She was slapped...

How dare you hit her? ! \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She has never been beaten like this before!

Because it was too unbelievable, the third princess and the maids behind her were sluggish for a while, and for a while, no one responded.

The third princess, however, saw that the beautiful young man beside her was indifferent when she saw that she was beaten, but at this time she carefully took the girl's hand, frowned and glanced at her, with disapproval in her beautiful eyes.

The third princess widened her eyes, but her eyes turned red in an instant, she gritted her teeth - he didn't seem to see that he was beaten, but he was concerned about the pain in other people's hands?

She was extremely angry, and she didn't know where the grievance came from. She shouted angrily: "A palace maid has turned against the sky! I will definitely tell the emperor about this!"

The result was unexpected.

The emperor talked for a while with this son who grew up in the cold palace, and finally sent him out with a smile, as if he was not angry at all about it.

Looking at the eyes of the seventeenth prince, he was kind and relieved. He turned his head and commanded: "The princes each have their own mansion, but seventeen..."

The seventeenth prince has been in the cold palace all the time. If it wasn't for an accident today, I'm afraid the emperor would have forgotten him, and naturally he would not have given him a separate mansion. But in today's short conversation, the emperor was very shocked by his son's indifference, and thought of his former favorite concubine, and couldn't help feeling sad.

"Good boy, I've suffered so badly for you. You actually have such knowledge in the cold palace... The emperor ordered someone to prepare a mansion for you. What other requirements do you have?" The emperor looked at him and asked kindly.

Jing Huai glanced at him, but he didn't have any emotions for this so-called father.

He said, "I want someone..."

The queen must be by his side.


ps (not counted)

Happy New Year's Day in advance! In 1999, it is only one year away from building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way! one year! Final period! Hahaha! In response to the country's call, the next plane I'm thinking of is a police officer, wow, hahaha roots are red! It's not good night today, it's a 19th year~ Whisper bb everyone, remember to do your homework after reading and entertaining...

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