100 Ways to Get the Male God

1435. Chapter 1435 Huangjie wants to hug (35)


Yu Chu thought, no wonder everyone in the convoy had white faces. Seventeen has a good reputation, and although they are not very old, they are like the king of hell in their hearts.

They don't believe they can go back alive at all.

She shook her head and said to the maid, "If you think too much, you won't all die! He may kill you, but he won't kill me. I'm a princess."


Deliberately scaring the little maid so pale, Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and smiled wickedly.

Suddenly there was the voice of a guard outside, and he said solemnly: "Princess, the people who are exploring the road ahead come to report that a group of people is approaching our direction..."

Yu Chu asked, "Who is that?"

The voice from outside became subtle: "According to the Pathfinder report, on their flag, there is a pattern of Zhihe."

The maid gave a short "ah" in surprise, looking very frightened, looking at Yu Chu in fear.

The voice of the guard outside was obviously nervous, and he asked again, "Princess...do you want to avoid them?"

"No need," the girl smiled lightly, "Maybe it was the prince who sent someone to greet us."

When she said this, others did not feel honored, and the cold sweat became more nervous.

The guard whispered, "Yes."

Yu Chu keenly caught a trace of fear.

She shook her head amusedly and put down the book in her hand.

The maid next to her was also pale, and she said, "It's over, princess, if you really came to see us, what should we do? The seventeenth prince wouldn't want to kill someone halfway, right? He didn't know it..."

Before she could finish her words, there was a gentle sound of hoofs in the distance, steady and chilling.

The whole team was nervous.

Everyone looked up.

In the distance, a group of people came slowly.

The person in the front is slender and tall, with a beautiful figure wrapped in armor, his dark eyes stared at this side quietly, and his thin lips slightly arched.

——It turned out to be the seventeenth prince himself...

The people in the convoy had naturally heard that the Seventeenth Prince was a young boy with a beautiful appearance, but a deep and terrifying nature, so he must not be offended.

But this evil spirit actually came in person!

Are you going to kill someone? !

The convoy was approaching a formidable enemy, and every guard was drenched in cold sweat, but the young man opposite slowly raised his hand and stopped the generals behind him from advancing.

Beside him, the general asked, "Your Highness?"

They also felt that His Highness brought them here in person to detain this convoy of envoys from the Ye Kingdom.

After all, Ye Guo is a small country, the emperor must be courteous to His Highness when he arrives in person, not to mention a messenger who cannot see His Highness at all.

His Highness came in person, there must be some plan.

The opposing team was tense.

At this moment, a girl's voice came from the carriage, and said slowly: "Is it the seventeenth prince?"

Listening to this voice, no one saw it, and the beautiful pupils of the young man shrank slightly.

One hand lifted the curtain of the car, revealing a young girl's face inside, with a smile on her face, her eyes looked at the prince opposite, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds.

The girl suddenly smiled, got out of the carriage, stared straight at the slender boy opposite, stretched out a hand to him, and said, "Help the princess to get off."

Team: "..."



At this moment, everyone's heart was swept away by a sentence - this princess, is your mind okay?

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