100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1436 The Queen Wants to Hug (36)


In fact, Yu Chu has always been cheerful.

The group's reaction was so much fun.

The maid next to her, after hearing these arrogant words, widened her eyes in fright, trembling, and seemed to be able to plop down to her knees in the next second.

The guards' eyes showed despair.

Even the people behind Xiao Shiqi's eyes widened, staring at her in astonishment.

The generals felt that this group of people was dead.

Because they know that His Highness hates women very much. Even a woman who has been lying on the bed will have to change the tent. This arrogant princess actually asks His Highness to help her? I'm afraid it's not too long to live...

There was silence.

However, Jing Huai pulled the corner of his lower lip, and under the horrified eyes of the generals and the team behind him, he turned and dismounted handsomely and strode toward the other party's carriage.

He got under the carriage and looked up at the girl.

The usual seventeenth prince was unsmiling, and at most he only sneered with his lips hooked... But at this time, the young man still remembered the majesty of the gods, he almost subconsciously bent his lips, revealing sweet dimples: "Sister."

His voice was like sprinkled with honey.

The slender fingers lifted and held the girl's hand, the boy's cold heart suddenly trembled.

Something warm flowed along his hand to his heart, those cold eyes that were as cold as snow, only staring at the girl at this time, as if he had found some treasure that had been lost for a long time, the joy in his eyes was obvious.

All the people around were stunned.

In the sight of everyone dumbfounded, Yu Chu looked at the tall and slender man in front of him, his eyes gliding across his facial features in amazement, he couldn't help reaching out to squeeze his lovely dimples, and then raised his hand and rubbed his head, "Xiao Shi Qi has grown up... he's actually so much taller than me."

The Asura God in everyone's heart, bowed his head and was rubbed obediently, and said sweetly and softly: "I'm seventeen."

His eyes were soft.

Generals: ...Wait, wait.

"La"? "La"? ? ? This kind of soft and cute tone... Was it said by their Seventeenth Highness?

At this moment, the generals felt unparalleled disillusionment. In the past, he was unsmiling and indifferent like frost and snow—His Seventeenth Highness, who didn't even have a few expressions, seemed to have had his soul changed. At this moment, he was smiling sweetly, with an obedient and well-behaved appearance, like a pet.

The generals stared blankly at the opposing team.

The people in that team also had the same expression.

In the first second, they all felt that they were dead, but in the next second, the legendary seventeenth prince, who was like Shura, acted coquettishly to Her Royal Highness.

It's simply...

However, no matter how unbelievable they may be in their hearts, this is all real, and it is not a dream.

In front of outsiders, Jing Huai didn't call her Huangjie, but she still called her sister obediently and led her to his horse, "I'll take my sister back. I came here when I heard the news... It really is my sister's motorcade."

"Well," Yu Chu followed him, watching the slender young man turn his horse neatly, and then stretched out a white hand towards her, his beautiful eyebrows curved.

He is seventeen this year, and is already a real teenager, with a noble temperament in his eyebrows and eyes, and his drooping eyelashes are lazy, and he has an excessively delicate beauty.

Yu Chu held that hand, and he gently put him on the horse, leaning on the body of the ice silver armor behind him, the other party's clean and fragrant breath surrounded her, sprinkled on the back of her neck and her ears, and her beautiful fingers were wrapped around her waist. Hold the reins.

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