100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1437 The Queen Wants to Hug (37)


Such a beautiful person again.

Yu Chu sighed slightly in his heart.

She always felt that the little cutie's identity was not simple.

Every plane is the pride of the sky, and the face is always too beautiful... This is too wrong.

The people behind her surrounded her, and the two were almost close to each other. His white chin rested on the top of the girl, and his voice was slightly pleasant: "Sister Huang..."

"Huh?" Yu Chu turned his head.

The other party just lowered her head, her soft and thin lips rubbed against her forehead, Yu Chu was stunned, but the young man, as if he didn't notice, lowered his head and rubbed her forehead with his side face, and whispered, "I miss you so much. , Queen."

The thoughts in his voice were as light as a sigh.

He lowered his eyelashes, his eyes full of nostalgia.

The girl smiled: "I miss you too."

Jing Huai stared at her earlobe, struggle flashed darkly in his eyes, rubbed his little tiger teeth, and suppressed the desire to pounce on it and bite.

He wants to be close so much...

The boy lowered his eyes, covering the rolling darkness.

His heart was beating fast, but covered in armor, the girl in front of him felt nothing.

Little Seventeen curled the corners of his lips.

If you ask the generals what adventures they have had recently.

The princess of Ye Kingdom is definitely one of them.

——Not only was he cared for by their god-like Seventeenth Highness along the way, but even when he reached the tent, he was brought into his tent by the boy with his lips bent.

But no one finds it ambiguous.

Because His Highness's expression is not ambiguous at all, only full of pride, like a child bringing an adult into his room, as if saying: Look! This is my room! Clean it up! Am I a good boy!

...that's how it feels.

Seriously, no one thought that the Seventeenth Prince would one day act like a spoiled brat...

That beautiful face is always a slightly cold or sneering expression, like the moonlight on a snowy mountain that is never soft.

For example, every time the insiders are caught, some are young girls, old people, and even children. The generals who have experienced strong winds and waves will occasionally soften their hearts.

This kind of cold-blooded Shura suddenly softened one day...

The impact was absolutely huge.

The spirits of the generals are a little trance these days.

And once he leaves the princess, the normal His Highness will return... he is still cruel and cold, and his mind is as deep as a pool of ink.

The generals understood:

The princess - can't be provoked, can't be provoked.

Yu Chu was led into the tent by the young man, and just looked up and looked around, the man hugged him tightly, and said in a low voice of grievance: "Sister Huang, I've missed you for a long time... I don't think I will ever. Separated."

He hugged the girl in his arms tightly, and rubbed her pale cheeks against her, like a large pet finding its owner, wishing to hang on to the other side. He suddenly whispered: "And I've been listening to the words of the emperor. The emperor said to keep yourself clean... Someone gave me a gift yesterday, but I kicked her out."

He loosened up slightly, and a pair of dark and beautiful pupils were shining like a compliment.

It slowly overlapped with the small milk group that was originally cute.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows roguely: "Oh? Then do you usually solve it yourself?"

Jing Huai was stunned.

The boy never thought she would ask this...

After reacting, he blinked sluggishly, and his fair face instantly turned crimson.

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