100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1438 The Queen Wants to Hug (38)



The boy's voice was a little embarrassed, and his bright eyes were also filled with a hint of shyness.

He blushed and didn't seem to want to continue the topic at all, biting his lip to avoid looking at her.

Yu Chu smiled calmly, "Is Xiao Huai still shy? I brought you up and you still slept together every day when you were ten years old... What are you shy?"

However, what she said did not ease the man's shyness in the slightest, but instead made his white cheeks flush even more, gritted his teeth and kept silent.

If anyone else dared to flirt with the young man, they would have been dragged out to death long ago.

But now being molested like this, the seventeenth prince gritted his teeth and blushed for a long while. Seeing the girl raised her face with a curious expression waiting for an answer, his earlobes were hot, and in the end he just softened his eyes and sighed helplessly, holding the girl in his arms and whispering dissatisfaction He muttered: "What else can I do? ... I'm not too young."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

At this age, the blood is strong, if there is no such reaction, then the body is broken.

But the Queen is not here...

Talking about this kind of thing with the person he likes, the boy's face is even hotter, he lowered his head and buried his head in the girl's neck.

Yu Chu felt that he was shy, and finally stopped teasing, and patted him on the shoulder, "Sister understands, understands."


The seventeenth prince didn't speak, he gritted his teeth and clenched his teeth a little more, and after a while he said angrily, "Don't talk about this."

Yu Chu couldn't help laughing.

These days, the atmosphere in the military camp is obviously much better, and the hero is naturally the Princess of Ye.

Since she came, His Highness Sha Shen will smile, and he is no longer so uncertain and unpredictable. Instead, he always has a good-natured and friendly appearance, which makes the generals' nerves that have always been tense relax a lot. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Even, His Highness did not shy away from talking about the military situation, the princess of the neighboring country.

A group of generals talked about the military situation, His Highness the Seventeenth listened quietly, and the princess was standing beside him.

The generals were not used to it at first, but after thinking about it, His Royal Highness arranged the camp for the princess, and they were all arranged next to him... That kind of relationship, naturally, they don't need to raise any questions.

So everyone did not avoid her, continued to say something, and planned a plan for the march.

Yu Chu just listened.

——Maybe it’s been too long since we’ve been apart. We have to see her all the time at 17 o’clock. Except for going back to their respective camps at night, we are almost inseparable from her during the day.

Yu Chu expressed that he understood the child's mood, so he obediently accompanied him.

On this day, in the middle of the discussion in the army, someone suddenly opened the curtain and came in, knelt down and said solemnly: "This subordinate knocks to see His Highness! The task has been completed."

Yu Chu raised his head in surprise.

The person who came was actually a woman, dressed in armor, and seemed to have a high status in the army.

She didn't look up after entering the door, and first knelt down to salute, so she didn't see the person behind His Highness the Seventeenth.

The young man tapped the table with his slender fingers, and said in a calm voice, "Get up."

"Yes." The female general then stood up and looked up.

When she looked up, she was stunned.

I saw a young girl standing next to the tall, alluring young man.

Shang Lan's eyes widened in astonishment, unable to control her expression, a look of disbelief.

No wonder she was surprised. When other generals saw this scene for the first time, their reaction was similar to hers.

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