100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1440 The Queen Wants to Hug (40)


It was a habit of ten years old!

Today's seventeen-year-old boy will never have a small habit of sleeping. At this time, under the delicate eyes of the generals, Jing Huai felt that these people were so annoying for the first time... What kind of eyes did they have?

He blushed and lowered his eyelashes. He coughed lightly after a while, then turned to Yu Chu and said, "I'll make arrangements."

Yu Chu smiled and nodded.

The seventeenth prince lowered his head and stared at the blueprint again, and said in a muffled voice, "I'll be here today, let's go."

The generals left with subtle smiles.

Someone dragged the female general away as well.

Shang Lan was dragged out of the tent, her eyes were red and she gritted her teeth and asked, "Who is that? How could His Highness..."

how come……

There are so many things to ask, but I don't know how to say it. How could you be so forgiving to her? Why blush at her? How can you agree to her request? \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The man gave her a sympathetic look: "Don't you know! His Highness is unmarried and unmarried, the one whom I have longed for for many years... but now I have met him."

Shang Lan was slightly startled: "Is that her?"

When the words came out, she was silent.

They know that there is someone in His Highness's heart... If that person is there, it is absolutely impossible for others.


Yu Chu finally got his wish and shared the bed with Seventeen.

She turned her face to the side, looking at the side face of the boy, her eyelashes were long and curled, and her lips looked soft.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Xiao Huai is very nervous?"

The man paused, "...No."

"You don't even turn around to see me."


The young man was silent for a while, then slowly opened his eyes, turned his face, and looked at her with clear and clean eyes. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

That gaze made Yu Chu's heart soften, she blinked, and suddenly leaned in, Ba Haw kissed his face, and then stepped back a little to see the other party's expression.

Jing Huai's expression was obviously dumbfounded.

"I really want to die Xiao Huai these years," the girl said with a smile, turning her face, "Well, I took advantage of you, and I'll take it for you, come and kiss!"

The boy stared at her blankly.

"No?" Yu Chu was a little disappointed.

She was about to turn her head, but the other party suddenly came over, her soft thin lips pressed against her side face, with a hint of cautious joy, sweet as candy.

Yu Chu was stunned, the young man left with thin lips, but reached out to hug her tightly, and whispered, "Sister Huang."




Listening to his cold and hoarse voice, whispering to the emperor over and over again, he clearly didn't open his mouth to say what he missed, but it made people understand how much he missed.

Yu Chu hugged him back, "I'm here."

a few days later.

The army was divided into two groups according to the plan, and the seventeenth prince personally led an army and made a detour.

Yu Chu stayed in the army.

Before the young man left, he left an order that puzzled everyone: the entire army should obey Princess Xiangchu's arrangement of the Ye Kingdom, make no mistakes, and kill if they violate the order.

The generals were in an uproar.

——Listen to what Princess Ye said?

Not to mention that she is the princess of a neighboring country, and she is also a princess after all, how can she know how to lead troops to fight?

How could His Highness make such a decision?

But no matter how puzzled everyone was, the order of His Highness the Seventeenth was an ironclad fact.

After he left, the generals couldn't help staring at the princess of Ye Kingdom with suspicious expressions, and their expressions were full of hesitation.

However, facing the rising sun, the princess stood on the city wall, raised her head, squinted her eyes, and smiled slightly. In that smile, there was an indescribable majesty, and the trance was actually the style of a general.

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