100 Ways to Get the Male God

1441. Chapter 1441 Huangjie wants to hug (41)


"Your Highness, is this really possible?"

The army moved forward slowly, and the confidants couldn't help asking in a low voice, full of worry in their words.

Mentioning that person, the originally expressionless youth gently hooked his lips and whispered, "It's okay."

His tone was indifferent, and his subordinates stopped asking.

A few days later, a soldier came to report in a hurry, and the tone was full of surprise, "Your Highness! The princess used a fire attack to break through a city! It only took a week..."

Hearing this, the accompanying subordinates took a deep breath and stared at the soldier in disbelief.

The boy curled his lips slightly: "Oh?"

"It's impossible..." The subordinates couldn't help but murmured and shook their heads. "That city is easy to defend and difficult to attack, surrounded by walls, and the beacon towers are tightly connected and strong. Even if it can be broken, it will take a long time. How can it be only a week..."

The soldier's voice also contained shock, as well as unconcealed admiration and respect: "The princess ordered people to make a kite that can carry people... The kite can carry people! The soldiers' arrows are loaded with medicine bags, and they can be shot down wind. Fire, attack with fire from top to bottom... It doesn't take much effort at all... The enemy surrendered after holding on for a week!"

His voice was still a little trembling, apparently seeing that scene in person. With the excited narration with vibrato, that scene seemed to appear in front of everyone.

The arrow of fire falling from the sky...

No matter how strong the beacon tower is, it will open from the top after all, and flames will fall from the sky, but the enemy in the beacon tower has nothing to do - the arrows can't shoot high from the bottom up, and they can't hit each other at all!

The Seven Days War is nothing short of a miracle...

Everyone subconsciously looked at the seventeenth prince.

The boy's lips smiled, and the subconsciously sweet expression seemed to be happier than being respected.

He raised his head, squinted his eyes happily, and said lightly: "Then, let's start too."

Good news came frequently.

After hearing the seventeenth prince's victory over the town customs, Yu Chu waved his hand, "Get ready to pick him up."

"Yes!" Someone immediately took the order.

In just half a month, she has accumulated supreme prestige in the army, from a princess who is not valued by others, to a complete general leader.

The scene of the flames in the sky seemed to ignite the blood in everyone's hearts, as if the gods were coming to the world, making people feel awe in their hearts.

Is anyone still dissatisfied?

Even Shang Lan obediently obeyed the order.

With just one battle, she has gained such prestige in the army... This princess is the first.

Yu Chu put the teacup aside, picked up the drawings on the side and looked at it carefully, and then a soldier came in and knelt down respectfully: "Your Highness Princess, I heard the report from the front, Her Highness Seventeen entered the enemy camp alone, and now he has made peace with him. The army has lost contact..."

In order to prevent the enemy's internal lines, the two units did not pass books to each other, but Yu Chu could understand Xiao Shiqi's plan. He didn't panic when he heard the words. Instead, he put down the drawings, smiled faintly, and ordered: "Okay, go and give it to me. I'll prepare horses... You all move forward as planned, and join the vanguard's troops. My Seventeenth Highness, I'll pick it up alone."


The soldier looked up in amazement.

The girl has already stood up with a smile on her beautiful profile face. Although she is a princess and not a general, her face is actually a bit more heroic than General Shang Lan...

The soldier's hesitation was swallowed up all at once.

What's there to hesitate?

Like His Highness the Seventeenth, she is a god of war.

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