100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1447 The Queen Wants to Hug (47)


At night, when they shared the same bed, before Yu Chu could tease him, Jing Huai silently got into his own quilt, huddled with his back to her and didn't say a word.

Yu Chu couldn't help but feel funny.

Is this the fear of being molested?

She shook her head and stopped teasing him.

She closed her eyes and was half awake, but suddenly felt that the person beside her turned around, she was silent for a while, and finally slowly approached, and her soft lips pecked her profile.

As if extremely satisfied, he silently shrank back, and only stretched out a hand to wrap her waist.

Even if she didn't open her mouth, she could feel the soft eyes of the people around her and the satisfaction of hugging her.

They stayed in the mountains for a few days, and the army who had returned victoriously had been waiting anxiously for a long time.

A general frowned and sighed worriedly, "Your Highness doesn't know what to do now... After all, the princess is a woman, and she is very worried when she goes to her Highness alone..."

"Yeah, but don't let anything happen..."

The generals were all sad, and instead of winning the battle, they were still full of anxiety.

Not only are they worried, but the soldiers who have lost their leaders have also been depressed these days.

They are now victorious, but there is no news of their two leaders.

His Seventeenth Highness's reputation is far and wide, and his status in the hearts of everyone is naturally high, like a god. However, he entered the enemy camp alone, and even if the means reached the sky, people were very worried about his safety.

The only consolation is that the princess who is like a god of war has gone to meet up with His Highness the Seventeenth...

Will they come back safely?

In the mood of everyone's anxious waiting - until the night two days later, bonfires were raised around the camp, and the patrolling soldiers walked by neatly.

This team did not relax after winning the battle at all, but was still well-trained.

The old general stood silently in front of the bonfire, letting the light of the fire turn his face red, and sighed a long time.

Shang Lan stood beside him and remained silent.

Time just passed by, everyone didn't say anything, but the worries in their hearts were more than a day.

"That princess is really a genius..." The general suddenly sighed again, "I have never seen such a woman before. General Shang Lan, if she brings His Highness back safely, her prestige in the army will definitely overshadow you."

Shang Lan asked coldly, "What do you want to say?"

"You should give up on your highness," the old general said calmly, "not to mention that you really can't compare to her, even if you can, she is also a benefactor of our army, and when she brings his highness back safely, the old man and his colleagues will protect her. With her and His Highness, I hope you give up as soon as possible and don't do stupid things... otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be worth it."

Shang Lan wanted to sneer, but the corners of her lips curled, but she suddenly remembered the scene of the fire that filled the sky that day, and the scene of thousands of arrows. She marched to fight for so many years, but she had never seen such a shocking scene, it was really like the arrival of a god.

She was silent for a while, and finally lowered her head and said sternly: "I really can't compare to her, if I were His Highness, I'm afraid I would also hold her. Don't worry, Shang Lan also admires the princess' talent and won't hurt her. "

The old general smiled and stroked his beard.

So much the better.

Suddenly, a soldier came running over and over, and the veteran general frowned. Before he could reprimand him, he heard his voice resounding through the sky with surprise, shouting:

"Report - Your Highness, I'm back!"

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