100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1448 The Queen Wants to Hug (48)


The whole camp was shocked.

After a few seconds, the soldiers were in an uproar.

The old general's eyes widened, and he didn't care about anything now. Even he himself lost his composure, and he hurriedly raised the man: "What did you say?"

Shang Lan also looked at him in shock.

"It's over there! The scouts of the pathfinder saw them, and asked the sentries to report in advance--His Royal Highness is back! The princess is back! Destroyed the granary, no injuries!"

The soldiers who reported the news reported loudly.

The veteran leader loosened his grip.

After a short silence, the entire camp suddenly became lively, with deafening cheers and shouts. It was only at this moment that the army revealed the joy of victory, and the soldiers shouted with excitement.

"Quick, go meet me!" The old general finally showed a relieved and happy smile.

Over the past few days, the joy of victory has been suppressed by worry, and now I heard that the two leaders have returned, and they have successfully destroyed the enemy's granary! How awesome is this? The soldiers just felt their blood boiled!

Yu Chu was sitting on the back of a horse, surrounded by the boy behind him in his arms. When he arrived at the camp, he just wanted to get down, but he was surprised to see a large number of soldiers pouring out of the camp, and all of them looked at them excitedly.

The leading generals kneeled respectfully, and said loudly with a trembling voice, "God bless our army!"

Countless soldiers knelt down, their majestic voices were deafening, echoing between heaven and earth: "God bless our army!"

In the smell of war and gunpowder smoke, the crowd of people kneeling in darkness, everyone is extremely devout.

Yu Chu took a breath.

The person behind her hugged her and laughed softly.

"God bless me, to meet you."

Yu Chu really didn't expect that after a random battle, he became the object of everyone's worship. Her status and prestige in the army was actually on par with Little Seventeen. Even, because Jing Huai was very obedient in front of her, in the hearts of the soldiers, she might be a little more powerful than the decisive Seventeenth Highness.

in the camp.

Yu Chu frowned and looked at the map, and the generals surrounded the long table with serious expressions.

The young man beside Yu Chu lowered his eyes and stuck the small flag in his hand on the mark on the map.

Amidst the silence.

He suddenly made a low "uh" sound, then brought his hands together and said pitifully, "I got stuck."

Everyone looked over-

I saw that the white hand of His Highness the Seventeenth was marked by the small flag just now... a white mark...

The corners of the generals' mouths twitched, and they looked up to see the expression of their highness, only to see the young man staring straight at Yu Chu, blinking his eyes and saying sincerely, "It hurts."

The generals: "..."

They still vaguely remember that before they met Princess Xiangchu, His Highness was not uninjured in the battle. He was shot through the shoulder by an arrow, and half of his body was stained with blood. There is no sound at all...

Is this the same person? !

Not a single white mark on the hand bleeds! He actually leaned over and cried out in pain... How old is His Highness?

However, no matter how frantic they were in their hearts, the generals did not dare to show their silence towards His Highness on their faces.

Yu Chu glanced sideways, took his hand, and blew comfortingly, "Seventeen doesn't hurt."

Totally coaxing a child's tone.

The child happily retracted his hand.


The generals sighed in their hearts.

When His Highness returns to Beijing to propose a marriage, I am afraid that I will not be able to lift my husband in this life...

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