100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1449 The Royal Sister Wants to Hug (49)


After returning to Beijing, Seventeen went to the palace, Yu Chu did not follow him, but rested first in a different courtyard. Jing Huai just wanted to take the royal sister back in a high-profile manner after the marriage proposal, and by the way, he could tell the world that the girl in his arms was his future wife.

Yu Chu also smiled and nodded.

Today's weather is a bit bad, but it doesn't affect people's good mood at all.

The pattering rain dripped down the eaves, Yu Chu narrowed his eyes, looking at the rainy scene in a good mood.

The maid suddenly came to report: "Princess, someone knocked on the door outside... His Royal Highness wants to see you."

Prince? Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, remembering the past. The prince seemed to have been kicked by Seventeen... Then she left and never saw him again.

However, the Crown Prince must have been diametrically opposed to Seventeen in the courtroom. Why did he come over to look for her?

Yu Chu stared at Yujing: "Let him come in."

Not long after, a man in Tsing Yi came in a hurry, holding an umbrella and stepping on the rain.

He looked in a hurry, and the clothes on his body were very ordinary. Yu Chu glanced around him and knew that this person was probably sneaked, and he didn't let others know. But why did he come to her?

As soon as the prince approached, he saw the girl's face clearly, and the tip of his heart trembled slightly. He walked over, looked at her for a while, and couldn't help laughing bitterly: "I didn't bother to compete with Seventeen back then... I really regret it now. If I do it again, I will definitely snatch you over."

Yu Chu glanced at him.

This confession is inexplicable. Even if he wanted to rob her back then, he couldn't rob Little Seventeen.

But she was too lazy to speak, so she lowered her head and took a sip of tea, and asked lightly, "What are you doing here with me?"

The prince was slightly lost. He just blurted out the confession, but the girl didn't respond...

But he quickly calmed down and said solemnly: "I know that you have a high prestige in the army now, and many military officers in the court spoke to you yesterday. And your identity is a princess. We all know the situation in the country of Ye, almost already Your world is over. No matter who you marry, it will be an incomparable benefit to that person."

Yu Chu nodded in agreement.

Now, with the entire Ye Kingdom behind her, and the prestige of Zhihe in front of her, she is probably the most powerful woman in the world.

Therefore, she was not humble. After nodding her head, she asked with a smile, "Is the prince here to praise me today?"

The crown prince sighed and said softly: "I have a plan for you to consider. Yesterday, Seventeen proposed to the father and emperor to marry, but I managed to get around it. So I came here in a hurry today, please reconsider, if you marry I can get more."

Yu Chu smiled.

Seeing her laugh, the prince continued: "Although my power is not as good as Seventeen, but with you, we can join forces to defeat him. After that, I will make you the queen, and I will not accept any concubines in this life. ."

He stared into the girl's eyes, suddenly became affectionate, and whispered: "This is something no man can give you. When I become emperor, you are the only one in the harem. You can ask Seventeen, can he do it? "

Yu Chu looked at Xiao Yu pattering, and sighed slightly: "How do you know he can't do it?"

"You don't know men," the prince said with a smile. "Ordinary men yearn for three wives and four concubines, not to mention the emperor? At the age of seventeen, with such a long life, he will be interested in countless women."

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