100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1450 The Queen Wants to Hug (50)


Yu Chu didn't speak.

The prince then said earnestly: "Think about it carefully, Seventeen will never give you this promise. If you marry me, you will help me to rise to the top. How can I fail you. But Seventeen is different, he is already powerful, and you can't help him. Da, how can you ask him to protect you? Chuchu, no one can make you happier than me."

The two faced each other across the rain, the rain dripping along the umbrella, and the prince's eyebrows were very gentle in the rain.

Yu Chu sighed: "You are amazing."

If she is a real ancient princess, I am afraid she will really be persuaded by him. In ancient times, no man was willing to give up three wives and four concubines to guard one person, let alone an emperor who was above ten thousand people.

"Please come back." She said politely.

The prince hesitated slightly, not knowing for a moment whether she agreed or refused. But he originally came out secretly, no matter how anxious he was, he had to go back. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He took one last look at the girl and turned to leave.

She is smart, she should understand.

The figure of the man in Tsing Yi disappeared, Yu Chu stretched out his hand to catch the drop of water, and suddenly said to himself: "Hey... what he said makes sense. I didn't expect that someone would like me and promise me to be a couple for the rest of my life. The love is really touching...hey..."

She pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes, and sighed in distress: "Do you want to promise... Well, think about it, he is right, he is only seventeen years old, and he is only dependent on me. When he becomes the emperor, he sees a lot of girls, I am afraid he will be the same. The three palaces and six courtyards... that's not as good as the prince..."


In the gloomy and cold weather, Anwei was drenched in cold sweat and did not dare to look up at His Highness beside him.

I don't know the boy's expression...

The dark guards have been trained at various levels, but now they only feel astonished, for fear that the evil spirits around them will take their anger and tear them apart in the next second.

But over there, the girl was still sighing in distress, and finally covered her face and muttered to herself: "Looking at this today, in fact, the prince looks pretty good..."


Finally, a low and cold voice, unable to control his emotions, sounded not far away.

When Yu Chu turned his head, he saw that the young man's fair face was expressionless, striding over the rain, his slender and beautiful figure looked particularly low.

The little tits who were softly calling out to the emperor on weekdays disappeared without a trace at this moment. The person in front of her came with icy anger, held her wrist with her fingers, and pressed her against the door behind her, her eyes dark as ink, and her voice hoarse with a bit of rage: "What did the emperor say?"

Yu Chu blinked, "Nothing..."

"Is moved?" He lowered his eyes suddenly, and stared at her coldly. The breath between the thin lips was soft, but people could clearly feel the wickedness. He said slowly, "Am I just dependent?"

Yu Chu shrank back and tried to turn his face away, but the next second, his slender fingers supported his chin, and the boy turned back to her face, his thin lips rubbed against hers, but his tone was as cold as ice: "He is long well?"


Before Yu Chu could explain, he was tightly wrapped around his waist by a pair of hands. The man's lips were covered with anger, and his plundering posture was cold and angry.

The young man's voice was slightly hoarse, and he said in a low voice, "Sister Huang, you are not allowed to make such jokes in the future."

His eyes darkened slightly:

"I can't help but do something to you."

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