100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1452 The Queen Wants to Hug (52)


Hundreds of officials in the courtroom were slightly startled.

Some people can't help but wonder... Who is the princess of Ye Kingdom?

The seventeenth prince even begged to marry her as soon as he returned to Beijing.

You must know that His Highness the Seventeenth is a noble and unparalleled prince, and he is also an important general who holds military power. He has a beautiful face and a beautiful figure. How many girls in the capital think about him day and night, and only hope to have a good marriage with the young man.

But he has never been married.

And he didn't even have a concubine!

Such a cold-hearted, indifferent person, but when he returned to the capital, he proposed marriage to the emperor.

And now it's even more exaggerated...

The prince even got involved.

Is this robbing a wife?

Civil and military officials did not dare to speak.

The prince has a look of impending success.

Jing Huai's eyes swept across the emperor's face, and his thin lips slightly evoked a cold arc.

The eccentricity of the emperor is too obvious.

At the beginning, he suggested that the behavior of the prince could be called a cross sword to win love, but the emperor still helped the prince selfishly, even saying that it was very difficult.

But Jing Huai didn't have any expectations for this royal father. Over the years, if the emperor hadn't been protecting the prince everywhere, the prince would have been defeated by his men long ago.

And so many years, it is enough for Seventeen to see the face of this person clearly. He doesn't care at all, even if the emperor protects the prince, Seventeen doesn't think so.

But if he wants to prevent him from marrying the emperor...

Then there is nothing to say.

The boy's lips twitched.

The cold look in his eyes made the emperor in high places feel palpitations. He clenched the armrest of the dragon chair and said in a calm voice, "Since the two emperors are asking for marriage, why not ask this princess to come and meet?"

When the prince heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

He told the emperor yesterday that he wanted the emperor to ask Yu Chu to choose by himself. He believed that she would make the most correct choice, after all, he was telling the truth.

Seventeen is so perfect... Such a perfect person, he can enjoy the best of everything in this world, how could he give up the three thousand in the harem for one person?

With a bit of leisure, he looked at the boy.

The other party also turned to look at each other flatly.

The prince shrank slightly when he read the ice-cold coldness in those black eyes. But he quickly gathered up his courage again—Seventeen was so angry, of course, because he was not sure that Princess Xiang Chu would choose him!

Seventeen only glanced at him, then lowered his eyes calmly, with no expression on his beautiful face.

This is the second time, he thought.

After Yu Chu was brought to the main hall, he got off the sedan chair outside the main hall door, looked at the majestic vermilion column, supported the hairpin on his head, and smiled slightly.

She stepped in slowly.

In the hall, the civil and military officials only heard a communication, and then there was the sound of slow steps, and the crisp sound of gold and jade hitting the ears was pleasant. Following the graceful steps of the girl, they slowly stepped in.

Everyone stopped breathing.

Her eyes were full of autumn water, her lips were not tinged with red, but her calm expression showed that the girl was dignified and graceful, not overly domineering, nor overly restrained weakness, only calm and peaceful.

Seventeen's eyes couldn't be moved for a long time.

Yu Chu glanced at him, and when he saw this guy looking at him eagerly, he couldn't help laughing secretly.

She retracted her gaze, looked at the emperor at a high place, smiled slowly, her voice was not loud, but it sounded like a thunderous explosion in everyone's ears: "In the name of the princess, I am hired by the state of Ye, to marry the prince and the prince, can you? "

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