100 Ways to Get the Male God

1453. Chapter 1453 Huangjie wants to hug (53)


All the civil and military officials widened their eyes in horror.

The huge hall was silent.

They heard it right... The princess just said... Marry? ... to marry? !

In a short sentence, everyone's jaw dropped.

Baiguan even felt that he was hallucinating.

Although the princess chooses the concubine, it is indeed the concubine who joins the royal family, but if the two countries marry, obviously the woman should marry the man...

What's more, the people she chooses now are two noble princes! One is the prince of the dynasty, the identity of the prince is no joke...

The other is even more terrifying. Compared with the prince who has no real power and status, His Highness the Seventeenth is a well-known Asura God with a very deep personality.

Back then, when he was very young, he quietly confronted the emperor and the prince, and he knew how terrifying his heart was, and the fate of angering him would be worse than death...

These two characters...

Did she say marry?

Even the emperor's face flashed astonishment.

In the silent court, the emperor finally coughed, frowned and asked, "I just heard it wrong. Did the princess say marry...or marry?"

The girl was not in a hurry, and repeated with a smile: "I am the princess of Ye, so naturally I want to be a concubine."

The emperor was simply stunned.

Some ministers could not help but look at the seventeenth prince.

What does master mean?

He is now in Zhihe, and the throne is at his fingertips. Would he be willing to be the consort for the princess?

In the eerie silence, the girl turned her head, looked at Jing Huai who had been staring at her behind her, smiled at him, and stretched out her hand: "Will you marry me?"

In front of everyone's eyes, the indifferent and cold boy didn't have the time to hesitate at all. He stepped forward to hold her hand and whispered, "Yes."

The prince looked at them in disbelief.

After he made such an attractive offer, she slapped him hard in the courtroom!

She chose seventeen in public!

The prince only felt a burning pain on his face, and wished he had a hole in the ground to dig into, so that others would not look at him with strange and contemptuous eyes.

There was still a trace of inexplicable loss in his heart, and he didn't want to see the two holding hands.

Jing Huai only stared at the girl, his heart was soft.

In his short seventeen years of life, there seems to have never been a moment when his imperial sister did not choose him, but someone else. Ever since he can remember, she has never let go of him since she met the royal sister.

Nightmare, she was always by his side to coax him. The father was partial, but she helped him fight back. When he was abandoned by everyone, she picked him up.

And never let go.

The slender boy with a very deep mind bit his lip slightly at this moment, and blinked his thick eyelashes. He suddenly raised his thin lips and smiled, staring at the girl intently.

Yu Chu looked at the emperor.

The old emperor's power has long been emptied by the seventeenth, and now it looks infinite, but it is just an empty shell. He actually wanted to help the prince bring down the seventeenth, such relatives, seventeen do not need.

She smiled and said slowly: "I am hired by the foundation of the Ye Kingdom, and the seventeenth prince will be my consort, and the friendship between the two countries will be promoted. When the two of us are here, there will be no war between the two countries."

The whole dynasty was silent.

Suddenly, a military general knelt down, without looking at the emperor's face, he only said solemnly: "Princess is kind."

Like waking up the hall.

Immediately, the generals who had been with each other in the barracks all knelt down and said solemnly: "Princess is kind--"

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