100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1455 The Queen Wants to Hug (55)


But when she didn't have any precautions and put it on without seeing clearly, with a click, the girl's face suddenly froze, and her eyes widened.

"Ten...Seventeen?" she said blankly.

"Huh?" The boy rubbed softly over, still looking like a cute cat, with cute dimples.

However, Yu Chu stared at the delicate bracelet on her wrist, which was connected to a very thin chain, which was connected to the head of the bed. She tried to earn it, but it was very stable and could not be broken at all.

This... what is this for? What the fuck?

Seeing her bewildered, the young man showed a soft smile on his fair face, and comforted in a low voice: "It's nothing, Huangjie, it's just a surprise."

Yu Chu raised his wrist, "Surprise?"

Seeing her round eyes, Seventeen smiled and tilted her head, "Well...because I've always wanted to do this, I finally got married, so I wanted to fulfill my wish a long time ago. Will the imperial sister blame me?"

He asked softly, but his eyes were dark, and Yu Chu couldn't help stammering: "...what wish?"

bundled? ? Don't be so harsh! And he said for years... how young did he have this idea?

Seeing the girl staring blankly, Jing Huai blinked her long eyelashes and said in a low voice, "I just wanted to tie the imperial sister up... I thought about it when I was ten years old."

Yu Chu looked at him blankly.

The boy frowned at her for a few seconds, as if he didn't understand why she was so surprised. He smiled silently, "At that time, I didn't even dare to think about it. Sister Huang was too far away from me at that time... It seems that I will never be able to meet her."

The teenager finally reached out and hugged her, put his chin on the girl's shoulder, and sighed contentedly, "I miss Huangjie so much, I think, it would be good if I could tie it up. This way, I can see you from time to time, and I don't have to miss it all the time. "

With a cold voice and a little bit of narration, Yu Chu slowly asked, "Just tied up?"

The boy paused and his voice became subtle, "Of course it's just tied... Or else? I just miss the emperor a lot, so I have this wish."

He backed away a little, his beautiful dark eyes were obviously a little confused, "What does the emperor think?"

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, "It's scary, I thought you like to play with that kind of thing..." She raised her wrist, "Binding or something, and you said you wanted to be like this when you were ten... Hey, next time say Be clear, don't scare the imperial sister, the imperial sister has a bad heart..."

After her words fell, the young man's expression turned from dazed at first to crimson. He forced himself to stay calm and gritted his teeth. people.

The thin lips parted slightly, but there was nothing to say.

He narrowed his eyes amusingly.

It was clear that she was wrong, but this person had no remorse, and instead complained that he did not explain clearly...

How could he be so perverted? When I was ten years old, I thought, in this kind of thing... tying up...

The boy stared at the thin chain.


Yu Chu saw that his earlobes and cheeks were blushing, and he lowered his eyes and did not speak, so he coughed slightly embarrassedly, and reached out to poke the other party's dimples, "I just said casually, I know you don't think that way..."

The young man raised his eyes.

His face was still blushing, but his eyes were sparkling, and he whispered, "Sister Huang is so smart, I just thought about tying it up, but I haven't thought of this yet."

Yu Chu: "..."

Seventeen showed her soft and cute dimples.

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