100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1456 The Queen Wants to Hug (56)


The young man approached slowly with a smile, his eyes were as clear as ripe grapes, his eyes were soft in the dark color, and a white hand rested on the edge of the bed, leaning down lazily and gracefully like a cat.

However, Yu Chu ignored the boundless beauty so close, stretched out his hand to separate him, looked into each other's eyes, and said seriously, "Xiao Huai, you are not yet eighteen years old."

Jing Huai narrowed his eyes and seemed a little confused, and said in a low voice, "Prince Sixteen already has a concubine."

"Have a concubine?" Yu Chu suddenly thought of the promise that the prince made to her affectionately that day, and couldn't help sneering, "There was a concubine long ago, but he said that he would only marry me one in his life... It's really hypocritical."

Before he finished speaking, the well-behaved kitten in front of him had his eyes darkened, grabbed her wrist and threw him down, leaned on top of her and squinted, her thin lips curved, and said in a low voice, "Oh? Are you sorry?"

"No!" Yu Chu said quickly.

The other party has already leaned over, and the lips are biting on her lower lip with an insignificant coldness. The soft lips are close to each other. The girl's words can't be said at once. His fingers lightly undid her belt.

When the warm fingertips touched the skin around his waist, Yu Chu suddenly returned to his senses and grabbed his fingertips.

Seventeen watched her quietly for a few seconds.

"This is the wedding night, Huang Si..." He suddenly lowered his voice pitifully, his beautiful clear eyes blinked, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he said extremely aggrieved, "On the wedding night, won't you let me touch it? ?"

As he said in a low voice, his fingertips touched the girl's waist, his attitude was indifferent, but he was completely bewitched.

Clearly deliberately coquettish. And his face is too beautiful, and his deliberate softness is even more irresistible.

Yu Chu sighed, touched his fair face, and said innocently: "The days to come are still long. Today, Huangjie just wants to chat with you, Xiao Huai."

She shrank into the bed and patted the seat beside her with a smile, "Come on, Xiao Huai, come and sleep."

The boy stared at her silently for a while.

He was not fascinated by the appearance of the emperor, but he couldn't resist her eyes.

As soon as those eyes came over... she always felt that she should agree to any request.

Seventeen finally sighed helplessly and lay down obediently. He was obviously two years younger than the girl, but there was a doting tenderness in the cold and beautiful silhouette.

He hugged the imperial sister's waist and leaned his head on her shoulders, feeling very strange in his heart - there were no thoughts of ambiguity or desire, only a sense of peace of mind.

This person is too precious to him, so he finally married and went home. The first thing he wanted was not to touch him, but to hug him carefully, and he only felt calm and stable in his heart.

As for touching...

Seventeen felt the royal elder sister's hand gently patted him, and a dull light flickered in his beautiful eyes.

There is ample time.


History says:

Since the marriage of the two states, the border has been peaceful and there has been no war. Great countries trade, open ports, and people live and work in peace and contentment, which is a peaceful and prosperous age. Later generations praised his merits and named Brother Jiang at the junction of the two countries: Chu Huai. The Chuhuai River runs through the two sides, like a god blessing the north and south of the Great River, and the people are grateful for its kindness from generation to generation.

There are often storytellers in the teahouse, who describe the grand occasion eloquently at the time: "The Seventeenth Highness is really amazing. Later, he supported a little prince to ascend the throne, and personally chose the civil servants and military officials to assist in the future..."

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