100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1457 The Queen Wants to Hug (57)


"Ah? Then he doesn't want the throne?" A listener couldn't help but asked with a puzzled look.

Xingmu patted lightly, and the storyteller's paper fan snapped away, "Isn't it true, this is what makes me convincing... It is said that the throne is easily available, but His Highness handed it over, not even the title of Regent. How can ordinary people have such courage?"

"This is..." Everyone sighed.

"Where did he go then?" A little girl who was fascinated by the story raised her head and asked immaturely.

"Later, of course, I flew with Princess Xiangchu of the Ye Kingdom. This princess is also amazing. It was her suggestion that made the world so peaceful. The Seventeenth Highness is willing to give up the country for her, which shows the charm of the princess. How overwhelming..."

The storyteller raised his eyebrows and talked incessantly. The listener, who had been silent for a while, sighed helplessly and raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "We should go."

Everyone looked at the man.

It was a young boy with an ordinary face, but his temperament was inexplicably cold and calm.

The storyteller listened to his words without refuting it. He bowed his hands to the listeners and said with a smile, "That's all for today, we should go."

Everyone was a little unfulfilled, but they dispersed in twos and threes. Some people took some copper plates to the storyteller, and the other party accepted them with a smile.

"Let's go." The storyteller said to the boy.

The two got up and walked out of the teahouse.

This is a small town close to the border. The folk customs are simple and enthusiastic, and I also love to hear the stories of the capital.

This season is cold.

Snowflakes were fluttering outside the teahouse, and pedestrians were hurrying.

The storyteller shook the beard on his lips, squinted and smiled and said, "Let's go buy two jugs of wine and go back to the inn to drink and warm up. The weather is really cold."

The young man shook his head: "I don't drink." After a while, he said lightly: "Emperor sister also drink less."

The storyteller looked at him with a smile, "I didn't know you had the potential to pour a cup, but last time I only poured you a cup, and you hugged me and cried all night..."

The corners of the boy's lips twitched slightly: "Are you crying?"

The storyteller laughed, "You lied, you just hugged me and said you liked me all night..."

The young man coughed, his earlobes red silently.

No passers-by noticed the conversation between the two, or they would have been shocked. After all, in terms of appearance, one is a young boy, and the other is a middle-aged man with a mustache. The two are like father and son.

Yu Chu excitedly went to buy wine by herself, and then went back to the inn together, she tore off the beard on her face, and said a little unwillingly: "Why do those people only ask about your deeds, and they don't ask me how I won the state of Ye, how? Domineering in the Zhihe Court..."

Seventeen pursed her lips and smiled, "It's okay, Huangjie. In their hearts, you must be much better than me."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

The boy who took off his disguise turned his face, his clear and soft eyes were like beautiful gems, and a smile on his stunning face, he raised his eyebrows and said, "If you can make me give up the throne, what a charming person the emperor should be. what."

Yu Chu poured a glass of wine and couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, and muttered, "I'm not praising yourself..."

She drank a glass of wine and narrowed her eyes comfortably.

The teenager looked at the snow scene in front of the window, then closed the window and came over, his slender body leaned down from behind, his fingers rested on the table, and his lips rubbed against the tip of the girl's ear.

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