100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1467 The police officer is strawberry flavored (8)


Seeing the scarred woman blushing, she could guess who the letter was for: "boyfriend?"

"No, no..." The scarred woman said no, but her face turned even redder, "Just give it to him, the address and contact information are written in it, I can't repay you now, wait for me I will definitely find you when I go out, and thank you again… okay?”

"Okay." Yu Chu said indifferently.

The woman with scars immediately looked at her happily, avoiding the surveillance and handing over a simple envelope, Yu Chu reached out and took it, stuffing it into the pocket of the wide prison uniform.

Before leaving, the woman with scars suddenly avoided the surveillance, took out a pack of cigarettes and stuffed it into her pocket, "Send it to you."

She grinned, clearly grateful.

Yu Chu just wanted to say I don't need it, but the guards have already looked back.

These cigarettes and envelopes are not allowed to be passed in prisons. Some prisoners have connections with people outside, and if they give the prison guard a little favor, the prison guard will turn a blind eye.

But on the surface, these things cannot be discovered, otherwise it is a violation of prison regulations.

Yu Chu had no choice but to withdraw his hand, as if nothing was born, and went out with his belongings.

The two guards took her to a solitary cell, watched her enter, and locked the door again.

Yu Chu looked at the single cell, sat on the bed and sighed slightly.

A day later, the female prisoner who had a conflict with her in the cafeteria was released.

Yu Chu didn't know the specific situation, but he heard that the other party was very miserable when he came back.

Originally it was just an ordinary inmate arguing, but the warden just put people in a dark room.

This is the most miserable punishment in the prison. It belongs to a kind of psychological punishment. When the female prisoner came back, she was sluggish, and her spirit was very haggard.

The prisoner in the next cell kept mumbling about it until he was warned.

Everyone said that it was also the unfortunate female prisoner, who happened to be making trouble when Officer Yan came. The prison director must have wanted to deal with her and show it to Officer Yan, so he punished her severely.

However, with this incident laying the groundwork, although it is not about Yu Chu, her life will be much better in the future, and no one will cause trouble.

She just waited in safety until the trial.

During this period, he did not meet the police officer again, and Yu Chu guessed that he had already left. Because that person seems to be a senior police officer, he should not stay here forever.

The original owner's guilt is not big, as long as the interrogation attitude is better this time, he can basically be released.

The guards took her to an interrogation room.

Yu Chu looked at the environment.

The last time I crossed over was here, but I was drowsy and didn't see clearly.

The interrogation room looked cold and silent, with no windows around, a black table with lights on, and two chairs behind the table.

Opposite the table was an iron chair for prisoners, with a pair of handcuffs hanging from the back of the chair.

The guard made the girl sit on an iron chair and then handcuffed her hands behind her back.

Then the guards went out.

Yu Chu waited quietly for a while.

A few minutes later, footsteps came from outside the door, and a young policeman pushed open the door and walked in.

Yu Chu glanced at each other.

A young policeman, dressed in a well-dressed police uniform, is relatively young, and he probably entered the police not long ago.

Prisoners who have not committed serious crimes are generally handed over to these small police officers for interrogation.

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