100 Ways to Get the Male God

The 1468th chapter police officer is strawberry flavor (9)


Yu Chu sat on the iron chair and moved his wrists slightly. The heavy iron cuffs made him a little uncomfortable.

She was about to look away from the young policeman, but saw another person behind him.

The man looked down at the document with his eyes lowered, followed the policeman in front of him and walked in. The white fingers under the white shirt turned the pages, and the solemn black police uniform was casually draped over his shoulders, supporting a beautiful shoulder line. This somewhat casual attire made him appear more slender and indifferent.

Yu Chu was a little surprised.

It just so happened that the man raised his eyes, and under the brim of the black police cap, the slightly curled broken eyes were reflected in a pair of eyes, which were clear and clean, crisp and clear.

Those eyes swept across Yu Chu's face and moved away indifferently. At that moment, it was like clean but sharp ice and snow swept across his face. Ordinary people would not have such oppressive eyes. This young police officer Yan was as rumored, with a ruthless personality and a very scary person.

But why did he come?

Yu Chu was puzzled, but this was obviously not something she could ask as a prisoner, so she didn't speak.

The two walked in, and the little policeman hurriedly bowed and pulled away the interrogation chair behind the black table.

The other side lowered his eyes and sat down.

He didn't speak, Yu Chu didn't say a word, and the little policeman stood upright at the back.

Under the icy white light, the police officer's hands were white and beautiful, and he turned a page indifferently.

"Name, age."

His voice was clear and cold, especially in such a cold interrogation room, which made people feel chills.

Yu Chu thought to himself.

Her information, isn't there on the data?

But she was puzzled, and she still answered honestly on her face: "Qin Chuchu, twenty-one."

The girl's voice is very soft, especially in this cold and dark environment.

Even the little policeman couldn't help but glance at Yu Chu, but Yan Mu didn't respond at all, turned over a page, and still asked lazily, "How did you get in?"

Wasn't it written on that paper?

Yu Chu glanced at the document in the other's hand, his eyes fell on the white and slender fingers, he paused, frowned and said honestly: "If you committed a crime, you came in."

Isn't this nonsense.

The little policeman couldn't help but lower his head and laugh.

Yan Mu raised his eyes.

A slightly cold gaze fell on the girl.

The large prison uniform made her very petite, her face was a little white, her small face the size of a palm, and her messy length made her look pitiful.

It's just that someone else might feel pity, but in the young man's beautiful eyes, there are waves.

His gaze stopped on her, then he closed the document in his hand, and said casually, "Search your body."

Yu Chu and the little policeman were stunned.

Yu Chu didn't expect that the prison uniform was so wide, and there was only a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, but he only glanced at it and saw that there was something on her body.

The little policeman was also taken aback by the sudden order, then reacted and walked over quickly.

He walked in front of the girl and bent down, touched her waist with his hand, and sure enough he felt something bulging, then he reached into her pocket, took out the pack of cigarettes, and respectfully showed it to that person.

The little policeman carefully placed the cigarette on the black table, but Yan Mu didn't look at it. He looked at the girl flatly, propped his chin, and said indifferently, "Go out."

The little policeman was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized that he was talking about himself, and he didn't dare to ask any questions, so he quickly turned around and went out.

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