100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1469 The police officer is strawberry flavored (10)


"Wait." Yan Mu said again.

The little policeman stopped blankly.

He saw the terrifying old police officer and raised his chin towards the girl. The slender neck extending from the tie and the white and sexy Adam's apple line make people feel dry mouth. And the police officer's clear voice eased the dryness: "Release the handcuffs."

The little policeman was stunned for a moment, then walked over quickly, untied the girl's handcuffs, and then pushed open the door and left.

The door is closed.

There were only two people left in the interrogation room.

Yu Chu couldn't help being a little wary, rubbed his wrist lightly, and stared at the slender and beautiful young man opposite.

His police cap was not properly worn, it was just buckled on the slightly rolled pieces, and the shadow from the brim of the cap made his eyes clear and lazy.

He glanced slowly at the girl.


Immediately, under her stunned gaze, the young police officer leaned back slightly, put his fingers on the armrest, and raised his long legs arrogantly to the table, his ankles folded carelessly and lazily, the whole The man leaned on the chair, looking strange and cold.

Yu Chu looked at him blankly.

With two fair and slender fingers, Yan Mu gently pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lowered her eyes and threw the cigarette case on the table in front of the girl.

He took out a lighter from his pocket. The silver casing looked very luxurious. The police officer supported his fair forehead and said indifferently, "Will you smoke? One."

The beautiful silver lighter was thrown over at random, right on the table in front of her.

Yu Chu looked down at the cigarette case and the silver lighter, was silent for a few seconds, and didn't say much. He raised his hand and picked up a cigarette, brought it to his lips, and lowered his head to light it with the lighter.

She has traveled through so many planes, and she has never touched a cigarette, and the pack of cigarettes from the woman with scars is obviously of poor quality, and the strong smell of smoke is choking her throat.

Yu Chu coughed and narrowed his eyes.

She put down the silver lighter, smoke filled her fingers, and she didn't even have to look to know that her current image was definitely a standard decadent female prisoner.

Yan Mu has been leaning against the chair, looking at her expressionlessly, and after looking at her lazily for a while, he stands up on the armrest and walks over lightly with his long legs.

When Yu Chu raised his head, he saw the young police officer in front of him pick up the handcuffs. Those snow-like eyes glanced over and moved away calmly. He leaned over and grabbed her wrist, easily cuffing the girl's hands again.

Because of this action, the two almost seemed to be embracing, and the beautiful and slender youth leaned over, completely covering the girl on the chair. With a click, Yu Chu's hands were handcuffed behind him again, and the police officer in front of him slowly got up and raised his police cap.

Without the cigarette in hand, the smell of cigarette smoke in his lips has been penetrating into his throat, and he will choke as soon as he inhales.

Yu Chu simply chewed the cigarette and didn't smoke it, but the smell of inferior cigarettes lingered on his nose, which was also very uncomfortable.

The police officer in front of her looked at her for a few seconds.

He was too tall, standing in front of him to block the light, his fair and beautiful face turned against the light, and he couldn't see his expression clearly, only an indifferent profile could be seen.

When Yu Chu almost wanted to open his mouth to spit out the cigarette, he suddenly lowered his body slightly, and gently took the cigarette down with his white fingers.

Yu Chu finally took a breath, the smell of inferior smoke was really choking, and it was burning hot in his throat.

She raised her head and saw the person in front of her leaning back against the table at will, with the cigarette that was taken down between her white fingers and gently lifted to her thin lips.

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