100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1470 The police officer is strawberry flavored (11)


Yu Chu's face instantly turned red.

Although this person didn't do anything excessive, there was still a small, inconspicuous tooth mark on the cigarette, but he slowly handed it to his thin lips, two white fingers pressed against his lips, and the mist lingered. The police officer's delicate eyebrows were blurred in the smoke.

He glanced at the girl's blushing face lightly, and said in a lazy voice, "Don't touch cigarettes after you go out."

Yu Chu was stunned.

Yan Mu returned to the table and picked up the document, and took the cigarette case and lighter along with it.

He pushed open the door and left.

Yu Chu blinked blankly, not quite understanding what he had just experienced.

Being molested? But the police officer is very serious.

Except for the cigarette she touched.

But speaking of flirting...

The police officer's expression was indifferent, and the act of smoking was very casual, and it didn't look like he was ambiguous.

Yu Chu pursed her lips and waited for a while. There were hurried footsteps outside the door. The little policeman came in and helped her untie the handcuffs: "Go and clean up. You can leave tomorrow. Do you need to call your family?"

Yu Chu shook his head.

The little policeman let her out, handed her over to the guards outside, and took her back to the solitary prison.

She simply packed her things. In fact, there is nothing to pack, just some daily necessities.

After simply putting away his things, Yu Chu fell on the bed and looked at the cement ceiling.

Today's interrogation, she didn't say anything at all, just smoked a cigarette, and was stopped before she finished.

I passed the interrogation so inexplicably...

Little cute heart, it's really a needle in the sea.

Yu Chu slept, and on the second day, a guard came to open the door and let her out.

She changed into simple clothes.

It was the one the original owner wore when he came to the prison. The original owner washed it very cleanly, but in the past few months in the prison, he has been wearing prison uniforms every day, and the original clothes have not been touched for a long time.

She followed the guards through the corridor and went all the way to the door of the prison building. With the crisp sound of the iron door being opened, the sunlight from outside instantly poured in.

Fresh air makes people feel like a new life.

Outside the prison building is a lawn and the sun is shining.

When I came out of the cold and dark prison and suddenly saw such a scene, it really made people feel comfortable.

"Go out and live a good life, don't do anything wrong."

The guard habitually gave a random admonition.

Yu Chu nodded.

She won't be coming back anyway.

Actually, she was a little surprised. If this little cutie from this plane is really interested in her, she should see him when she gets out of prison today... but she didn't.

So, is he really not ambiguous?

Did you just want to smoke?

Yu Chu shook his head, walked down the steps, walked across the lawn alone, and went to the iron fence outside.

Outside the lawn is a steel mesh wall, erected very high, trapping the entire grassland and the prison building inside.

The two middle-aged guards at the door glanced at her and opened the door lazily.

Yu Chu stepped out of the gate and onto the spacious road outside, looking ahead.

This prison was probably built on the hillside, with a country road outside, and after going out, it was on the main road, with crops and fields on both sides.

Yu Chu didn't have a mobile phone or cash on his body, and walking down the mountain was really enough for a little girl.

But it didn't matter to her.

But halfway through, Yu Chu was lucky enough to meet an enthusiastic uncle tractor, who happened to be going to the foot of the mountain, so he enthusiastically took her for a ride.

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