100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1477 The police officer is strawberry flavored (18)


The strawberry-flavored candy melted between her lips. In addition to the sweetness of the candy, there was also the gentleness of the police officer's white fingertips, which brushed her lips just now.

Perhaps because of the strong sweetness on the candy wrapper, his fingertips seemed to have a sweet candy sweetness when they touched it.

Yu Chu bit the candy, paused, and nodded.

Sweet is quite sweet.

She was biting the candy, and out of the corner of her eye caught a glimpse of the man slowly folding the candy wrapper, not throwing it away, but stuffing it into the pocket of her coat, with a casual attitude.

Yu Chu asked casually, "Don't throw it away?"

This guy is lazy and arrogant, and his personality is so cold, but he buys this kind of strawberry candy... Besides, he doesn't have a cute hobby like collecting candy wrappers...

Yan Mu glanced at her casually, her voice still clear, and said in a low voice, "Protect public health."

"..." Yu Chu silently swallowed back the thought that he just thought he was cute. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

That's right, this kind of devil-type character, just buy candy and eat it... Collecting candy wrappers is too contrasting and cute.

Just because there are no trash cans nearby.

As a police officer, I have a very public awareness...

Yu Chu didn't say much, stood outside the city looking at him, and said, "I'll go back first."

Yan Mu nodded casually, with a hint of a smile in his eyes, and said lazily: "Next time, pay attention, this time for the sake of buying me candy..."

Those snow-like eyes curved a little with a smile, and he continued to say lightly: "I'll let you go. If you see it again next time, prepare to go back to the police station with me."

Yu Chu sighed and reiterated: "Yan..."

As soon as the word came out, she suddenly remembered that she didn't know his name, but just heard the guards in the prison call him Officer Yan. So she simply omitted her name and said, "Officer Yan, you misunderstood, I didn't plan to steal anything, it was really a coincidence..."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"I see."

The police officer smiled slightly and raised his hand towards her.

Before Yu Chu finished speaking, he felt that the beautiful and slender young man stretched out his hand, covered the top of her head with his white fingers, and rubbed it lazily and casually.

The girl who was caught off guard was stunned, and the other party had already withdrawn her hand, as if she was casually stroking the kitten and puppy on the side of the road. Those cold and indifferent eyes curved a little smile, and said calmly: "I know, you don't need to explain, I won't arrest you this time."

"...Not an explanation..." Yu Chu finally tried to clarify, but when the words came to her mouth, she gave up with a paralyzed face. Whatever, he thinks it's right, whoever makes people a policeman... It's still a terrible kind.

"I'll go first." She nodded, then turned around carrying the bag and walked to the other side of the street.

Yan Mu leaned against the street lamp in a leisurely manner, watching the girl walk away with flat eyes.

The small figure became smaller, the shadow was elongated by the street light, and finally melted into the night.

He watched for a while, then got up and left lazily, peeled off a piece of candy, and put the candy between his thin lips with his white fingers, and he stopped suddenly.

Yan Mu looked down at his fingers, and his eyelashes covered the deep emotions in his eyes.

Just past a trash can, the slender young man raised his hand lazily and threw the candy wrapper he just peeled into it.

He took out the candy wrapper in his pocket, spread his white fingers quietly, and looked up at the streetlight.

The light shined through the thin candy wrapper and rendered it into a gorgeous piece. After he looked up and stared at it for a few seconds, he suddenly raised his thin lips and covered the thin and soft lips with the candy wrapper.

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