100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1478 The police officer is strawberry flavored (19)


Yu Chu began to prepare for his mission.

She turned over the original owner's memory, thoughtfully.

The original owner's life is very simple, the grievances and grievances revolve around the scumbag boyfriend and a girlfriend he later found. That woman is also the kind of person whose private life is chaotic, and it is unclear what is involved in hooking up with Liu Lin.

As a girlfriend, how can you bear the entanglement of your boyfriend and others? The original owner and Liu Lin had talked about this issue many times, but they were impatiently put off by him.

Therefore, once, the original owner endured nervousness and fear, asked the woman to meet, and summoned the courage to explain the situation to her, hoping that she could stay away from her boyfriend.

But the original owner, a young and immature girl, where is this kind of woman's opponent?

The woman asked her to a remote place, and without saying a word, let someone tied her, then poured a bucket of ice water on the original owner, and let a few wretched men touch her. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The woman was just an ordinary gangster, and she didn't dare to go too far, but this battle still frightened the original owner. After she was released by the woman, she didn't step out of the house for several weeks.

Yu Chu knocked on the table.

The last time she was at home, she saw that woman.

When she poured a bucket of water on Liu Lin's face, the woman with heavy makeup in his arms was also the one who bullied the original owner in the plot.

The woman ran very fast that time.

Yu Chu thought for a while, then calmly changed his skirt, ready to complete this task first.

As for the cutie...

He didn't leave his contact information that day, and he didn't tell her his name, so he probably didn't care much about her. Yu Chu is not in a hurry to approach him, so let's finish his plane task first. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Some days passed.

Yu Chu did exactly the same as the original owner, and was about to call and ask the woman out.

The call is connected.

She said friendly: "Miss Fan?"

The original owner's voice was soft, as long as Yu Chu didn't control his aura, he sounded delicate and weak.

But the woman has seen her greatness.

In the room that day, she beat three men alone, and finally beat Liu Lin alone.

The woman and the other two ran early and didn't see the horrific state of Liu Lin's beating. However, when Liu Lin came back, his face was bruised and an indescribable part was injured, so he had to go to the hospital for examination.

Not to mention other men, even Fan Mimi herself felt a cold sweat.

But these days, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

She is also a person who is called "Sister" by everyone, but was frightened by a little girl that day.

Liu Lin was dating himself anyway, but that part was almost destroyed by the girl's kick...

This is downright humiliating.

The woman didn't expect that the other party would dare to call, she answered the phone, hesitated for a moment, and came up with a plan.

——This little girl can beat those three people, but she can call more people, what else can she do?

After all, she's just a young girl.

After making up her mind, Fan Mimi said without smiling, "Oh, little sister, do you have anything to do with me?"

Yu Chu said: "Yes, I want to ask you to meet, and I want to tell you something in person."

Fan Mimi rolled her eyes.

No need to guess, she also knew what the other party wanted to say, she just wanted to keep herself away from Liu Lin.

It's just that he knows how to fight, and he really thinks he is a person, and dare to ask himself for an interview?

Fan Mimi was disdainful in her heart, rolled her eyes, and said with a smile, "Okay girl, but I can't go away now. If you have time, why don't you come to me? It's at the pier along the coast. I'm watching the cargo ship here."

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