100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1479 The police officer is strawberry flavored (20)


The city is a coastal city, but inland residents generally do not go to the pier.

It is very remote, it is noisy when there are people, and it is empty when no one is there. Usually, some cargo ships are docked, and ordinary people will not go to that place.

In the receiver, the girl said softly, "Okay."

Fan Mimi showed a successful smile.

After hanging up, she immediately called some other people and asked them to take them to the pier.

She is bound to teach this little girl a lesson.

Yu Chu changed his skirt and followed the address.

The wind was strong by the sea, and the long skirt was blown. Yu Chu put his head behind his ears and looked forward calmly.

There are many warehouses near the dock, some of which are not used for many years, and there are many containers inside.

Yu Chu saw from a distance in front of a warehouse door, a woman with heavy makeup was waving at him. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Little sister, this way."

Yu Chu curled the corners of his lips and walked over.

She walked up to Fan Mimi, glanced at the warehouse behind her, and saw no one inside.

Fan Mimi took her hand with a smile and made a friendly look, "Little sister, are you here today to tell me about Liu Lin?"

The girl nodded.

"Oh, actually, I've wanted to tell you for a long time, I thought Liu Lin was single! I don't like this kind of man... Since you're going here on purpose, my sister will promise you that you won't be with him in the future. Contact." Fan Mimi said with a genuine smile, holding Yu Chu tightly with both hands.

Yu Chu glanced at her, and immediately noticed that someone was approaching behind him.

She remained calm and let the person behind her cover her with a towel before struggling a few times symbolically. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Fan Mimi sneered: "Tie her up."

The big man behind him pulled Yu Chu forward, entered the warehouse, and rudely pressed her onto the chair.

Fan Mimi took out a knife: "Little sister, if you dare to scream, I will slash your mouth, do you hear me?"

The girl nodded immediately.

Fan Mimi was satisfied and turned her head to signal to the big man.

The big man took the towel away, went around to the back, tied the girl's hands with thick nylon ropes, and completely fixed her hands on the back of the chair.

Fan Mimi took the knife and patted the girl's face, yin and yang strangely said: "The skin is pretty good."

She didn't say much, and the little girl before the meeting turned pale and said with a smile: "Come here."

Yu Chu looked up.

Seven or eight men walked past the warehouse, and all of them were strong men with sloppy beards on their faces, and they looked a bit wretched.

Fan Mimi smiled smugly: "What a little hoof that doesn't know the heights of the sky, and you still want to take care of the old lady? The old lady is on the road, but you can't mess with it..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl glanced around and suddenly asked, "That's what people are?"

Fan Mimi was taken aback.

Those big men were also stunned.

The girl said to herself: "Looks like it is."

She stood up suddenly, her hands still tied behind the chair, but her movements seemed to be unimpeded at all, and the legs of the chair slammed into the knees of the big man beside her.

The big man knelt down immediately.

The girl raised her knee and hit the big guy on the chin from bottom to top, and he turned over.

Yu Chu turned around and looked at a group of people who hadn't reacted yet. He quickly rolled on the spot in his chair, and in an instant he was in front of the group of people.

At home these days, the cultivation of martial arts has naturally not fallen, and it is more than enough to deal with these people.

A smile appeared on the girl's face.

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