100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1481 The police officer is strawberry flavored (22)


Moreover, after the previous encounter, Yu Chu felt that the little cutie was quite cute...

Seeing this scene, he should help her.

Besides, it was someone else who wanted to fuck her.

Yu Chu glanced at Fan Mimi.

Fan Mimi didn't hear the footsteps, she huddled in the corner with her hands in her hands, and said cautiously, "Do you want that knife? I can get it for you..."

She said, and quickly assured: "I will definitely not play tricks, I will help you untie the rope..."

She really didn't dare to do anything more. I just hope to untie the rope, this girl can ignore it and let herself go...

Yu Chu said, "Wait."


Fan Mimi was taken aback.

What are you waiting for?

She quickly had an answer.

The voices of the people outside became louder and louder along the wind, and a few seconds later, a group of people appeared in front of the warehouse door.

They seemed to just pass by, but when they saw someone inside, they instantly became vigilant.

Yu Chu saw a few people wearing black clothes and sunglasses, but he had already quietly stretched his hands to the back of his waist.

Yu Chu understood this action.

is holding a gun.

These people are not police.

If it's a police officer, it's legal for a police officer to carry a gun, and their guns are on their waists.

Only the legendary underworld, where guns are illegal, will be covered under the coat and hidden in the back waist.

Besides, these black clothes and sunglasses don't look like a policeman...

Yu Chu sat on the chair and glanced at it.

She saw Yan Mu.

The other party was also staring at her quietly.

He was not wearing a police uniform, but a slender black windbreaker, which made the young man tall and good-looking, and the dark pieces were messy and lazy in the wind. Against the fair and beautiful face, he showed a bit of evil temptation.

The police officer's thin and cold eyes fell on her, and the clean and cold eyes were so calm that there was no trace of waves.

Yu Chu didn't pay much attention to him.

Her gaze stopped on the woman beside her.

——That is an exotic beauty, with thick and bright golden waves, blue eyes, very seductive eyeliner, and sexy black silk under the windbreaker.

She originally only glanced at Yu Chu and moved away, but she noticed the slender young man beside her, with her beautiful eyes staring at the girl over there... She raised her eyebrows unconsciously, and put her eyes on Yu Chu again.

After watching for a few seconds, she retracted her gaze, flirted with the golden hair charmingly, and asked casually in unskilled Chinese, "Yan, do you know her?"

Yu Chu blinked slightly.


It's so intimate...

She sat in the chair silently, her eyes turned to Yan Mu. The man looked at her calmly, without expression when he heard the question, and said in a low voice, "I don't know."

Then he looked away indifferently.

Jin sexy beauty got the answer, smiled and shook her head, "Yeah, Yan has never been in contact with women, so she shouldn't have the chance to meet cute girls." After she laughed and joked, her eyes showed a bit of cruel pleasure, " But it's a pity that such a lovely little girl heard our conversation..."

Those with black clothes and sunglasses touched the lower back again.

No, are you planning to kill someone?

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

Before she could react, the man's sloppy eyes glanced over again, looked at her lazily, and said plainly, "It's too far away to hear." After speaking, the slender and beautiful young man turned his eyes away again, appearing indifferent. , "If you do something here, I can't protect you."

Jin Meimei glanced at his expression and immediately smiled, "Oh, I'm just talking casually."

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