100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1482 The police officer is strawberry flavored (23)


"But I forgot your rules... Well, it's my fault for this matter," Jin Mei's voice was soft, vaguely like she was coquettish, "I think too much... So far, this The lovely lady must not hear. Let's go..."

She said, smiling and looking back at Yu Chu.

Yan Mu's eyes didn't look at her, and she didn't answer her words, she stepped forward lightly.

Beauty Jin hurriedly followed him, walked a few steps, turned around again, looked very kind, and smiled at Yu Chu: "Lovely little girl, you seem to be in some trouble, do you need our help?"

Yu Chu thought for a short second, showed a cowardly expression, and shook his head gently.

In her judgment, Officer Yan was not wearing a police uniform and probably did not appear as a police officer.

She had heard the guards talk a lot about Young Master Yan's undercover deeds... As a senior police officer, his identity as a police officer might be kept secret.

Right now, Yu Chu didn't want to cause trouble, so he just pretended to be soft and weak to confuse this beauty.

The beauty smiled at her and turned away.

The group left.

Yu Chu was silent for a while, feeling that the beauty's last smile was a little unfriendly.

She turned her head and said lightly to Fan Mimi who was stunned by the side: "Bring the knife and untie the rope for me."

Fan Mimi came back to her senses, quickly agreed, picked up the knife, and came over to cut the rope for her.

When the rope fell to the ground, Yu Chu rubbed his wrist lightly and glanced at the big men, not forgetting the purpose of his coming here - in addition to teaching Fan Mimi, and letting her leave Liu Lin, "You won't pester him in the future? "

Fan Mimi was stunned for a moment, then shook her head quickly: "No, I will definitely not contact Liu Lin anymore..."

Yu Chu nodded.

There is something wrong with Liu Lin's body. If he is dumped by Fan Mimi at this time, it must be very painful...


Yu Chu was happy in his heart, but didn't say much on his face, glanced at Fan Mimi, then turned and left.

After coming out of the warehouse, she walked across the dock alone, but was not in a hurry to go home.

She was a little wary of the golden beauty just now. The other party's last smile was not malicious. Although in front of Police Officer Yan, she seemed to listen to her words and didn't bother herself, but who knows behind the scenes...

It's always right to be on guard.

So Yu Chu went for a walk purposefully, with no purpose to eat, drink, and have fun. Finally, she decided to go home after having a good time. She paid special attention to confirm that no one was following her, and then walked slowly towards the house.

Street lights are bright.

The shadows of the trees rustle, bringing the unique coolness of the night.

It was a little dark in the corridor, but Yu Chu was not afraid of the dark, so he didn't bother to turn on the voice-activated light, so he walked upstairs slowly, touching the key in his pocket.

Go through the corner of the corridor and you will arrive in front.

Because her eyes were adapted to the darkness, she saw that there seemed to be a figure in front of her, and she leaned in front of the house.

She couldn't see clearly in the darkness, but she suspected that the golden beauty had sent someone to follow her, so when she saw the figure, she immediately frowned and retreated subconsciously.

But the man straightened his body from a reclining lazy posture. The slender figure stood in the dark, and he didn't choose to turn on the lights. His sloppy and clear voice had an evil spirit, and he said lazily, "What are you hiding?"

The tone is slightly emotional.

Hearing this voice, Yu Chu was slightly taken aback.

His low voice was as clear as ice and snow.

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