100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1483 The police officer is strawberry flavored (24)


Yu Chu patted the wall, and the voice-activated light came on, revealing the slender and beautiful figure of the person in front.

He leaned against the wall and stared at her lightly.

Yu Chu blinked: "Officer Yan?"

Yan Mu did not speak.

"Why are you here?" Yu Chu couldn't help but ask again, looking up at him strangely.

Yan Mu was no longer wearing a slender trench coat, but a black casual jacket.

The slender figure leaned against the wall lazily, and put his fair fingers in his pockets. He looked at her quietly, and said casually, "It's not difficult to check your address."

Yu Chu pursed his lips.

...If he was looking for someone, of course it would be easy to find her, not to mention that she was a prisoner who had been interrogated, so that page should contain all kinds of information.

But the problem is...

Yu Chu asked, "Why are you looking for... me?"

It's weird isn't it!

Why did the dignified police officer come to find her!

She subconsciously said, "I haven't broken the law recently... I won't break the law when I come out of there."

Yan Mu's delicate brows are slightly raised, but she doesn't say a word.

"Uh..." Yu Chu continued to explain, "It's not like that today. I was invited, and someone wanted to trouble me. I didn't trouble anyone else."

The slender youth's eyes darkened slightly.

He didn't speak, just like the ice and snowy temperament when he first met him, Yu Chu didn't know what he was thinking, and finally scratched his head and said, "When you saw me, I was also tied up, obviously someone else wanted to treat me. …”

Before she could finish her words, the slender person in front of her suddenly stood up and walked over lightly with her long legs. Because of her height, the shadow completely enveloped the girl.

She looked up at the other person's beautiful face, the police officer lowered her long eyelashes, and gently lifted her chin with her white fingers.

"Are you hurt?" he asked quietly.

Meeting those frosty eyes at close range, Yu Chu was stunned and shook his head: "No..."

Hey? But it's weird?

Is this a concern...

The young police officer's expression was flat, but his fingertips tugged at her chin, and he looked down at her quietly.

"Officer Yan?" Yu Chu removed his hand and pursed his lips and asked, "Why did you come to me?"

It's not really a catch.

Yan Mu glanced at her, retracted her hand, but continued to lean against the wall lazily, "Why don't you invite me in first?"

"..." Still going in?

Yu Chu was a little surprised. But just standing in the aisle like this made it really inconvenient to talk, so she didn't ask any further questions and reached for the key in her pocket.

However, after searching around, I couldn't find it.

Maybe you forgot to bring it when you went out. The girl raised her head and saw that the thin steel wire she used last time was still on the window sill, so she took it over and easily unlocked it again.

After opening the door, she looked at the person beside her, and suddenly thought again that this person was a policeman...

But for her proficient lockpicking skills, the police officer just gave her a half-smiling look, kindly didn't ask anything, and walked in alone with his long legs.

Yu Chu lowered his head and followed behind him.

Yan Mu walked into the room, as if she had entered her own house, sat loosely on the sand, leaned back, put her long arms on the backrest, and did not forget to arrogantly instruct the owner of the house, "Pour me a glass of water."

Yu Chu's lips twitched, and he didn't bother to care about such a young master, "Didn't you just say you didn't know me today?"

In other words, pour the water and pour it yourself.

Chi Mu turned his face to look at her, and after being quiet for a few seconds, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his beautiful, cold eyes seemed a little gentler. He didn't justify anything, just restrained his arrogant sitting posture, got up slowly and walked over, lowered his eyes and leaned over in front of the girl.

The beautiful face approached, Yu Chu stepped back unconsciously, but the other side reached out to the refrigerator behind her, leaned down with a slender figure, and stared at her quietly.

This kind of person who can see the extreme, has a clean and cold temperament, and the wall slams inexplicably gives people a kind of pressure.

Besides, they are the police.

Under the white fingers, those snow-like eyes were slightly curved, and the police officer had a touch of sweet candy on his body.

Yu Chu raised his eyes and stared into his eyes, and the other party looked at her flatly. Yu Chu thought that this person was going to say something serious, but he curled his lips and said in a low voice:

"Well... I was wrong."

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