100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1484 The police officer is strawberry flavored (25)



Yu Chu blinked.

I really didn't expect that my casual sentence would actually get a serious apology from the police officer...

Yu Chu turned his head slightly, a little surprised.

It stands to reason that she doesn't even know this person's name, so naturally she can't be said to be very familiar with him.

The cutie of each plane has no memory.

She was not in a hurry to fall in love, so she planned to get close to him after completing the task first.

But it's not close yet...

I don't even know the name!

With their familiarity, it was not a big deal for him to say that he didn't know each other, but he apologized?

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, leaned his back against the refrigerator, raised his eyes to look at the police officer's fair face, and couldn't help guessing: "Officer Yan... Didn't he come to apologize to me on purpose?" \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp; 1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the tall police officer in front of her with a surprised new look.

When we met at the police station before, this man was still arrogant and lazy... He has no expression now, but the whispered apology just now lingered in his ears very clearly with his breathing.


Yu Chu blinked. This guy fell in love with her when she didn't know it at all...? !

Without a little bit of defense qq!

She raised her head and looked straight at Yan Mu.

The young police officer paused slightly.

Perhaps the surprise in the girl's eyes was too obvious, but after the tall young man was silent, he looked away first.

In the face of the execution of the death penalty, Young Master Yan could not change his face, not to mention that he went into the underworld as an undercover agent, no matter what the scene, his mood was always calm. But now, just looking at a pair of eyes, he became the one who moved away first. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yan Mu stepped back slightly, withdrew her hand, slightly bent her fair index finger, and coughed against her thin lips.

His eyes darkened slightly.

It was an accident to meet her today. The identity he used today was fake. After completing the undercover mission, this identity disappeared. Whether it was to protect her or for any other reason, there was no need to say that he knew him.

But somehow...

When I finished speaking, I felt very uncomfortable.

He had been suppressing his emotions for a long time, and he was in a turbulent mood for a long time, but he finally found him out of nowhere. As a result, this guy... But he didn't seem to take this to heart at all, nor was he angry. Instead, he went home after playing so late. To him... still hiding.

Young Master Yan was in a worse mood.

Until I heard her question just now.

Well, it turns out that you don't care at all, do you?

The police officer finally curled his lips slightly, his icy and sloppy eyes lowered, and he glanced at her, but replied, "I'm just passing by here on errands, you think too much."

Yu Chu: "..."

The more you think about it, the more you think about it... What's with the obvious joy in his voice?

She paused, and said lazily, "Oh, my place is remote, and the police officer is really on the way."

Yan Mu is silent.

The girl glanced at him and added: "And it seems to have waited for a long time? I know, wait by the way, and then apologize by the way, well, I understand."

The police officer turned his face, the pitch-black curls shattered, the tips of his fair ears were slightly hot, and he kept silent.

Yu Chu felt very happy.

Ha ha! The last time he was in the city, this guy took a lot of time to tease her, but this time, let him try it too, how suffocating it feels to be unable to refute!

She reached out and pushed him away, and said with a smile, "Officer Yan, it's so late, shouldn't you be leaving?"

Yan Mu looked down at her.

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