100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1485 The police officer is strawberry flavored (26)


He was quiet for a while.

Seeing that the eldest young master obviously didn't intend to leave, Yu Chu couldn't help but hold back his laughter, walked past him to the room, waved his hand, "Say goodbye to the police officer."

Yan Mu lowered her eyes and watched her pass in front of her, her eyes dimmed, and finally leaned on the refrigerator, her voice clear and cold: "I'm here for something."

With his back to the person, Yu Chu couldn't help but smile, then turned his head to look at him, "What's the matter?"

Yan Mu's eyes swept across her face, her lazy and low voice clearly showed a hint of dissatisfaction, "Your attitude towards me..." He paused and calmly changed his words, "The prisoner was released from prison. During the inspection period, I am still a policeman, you should pay attention to your attitude."

Yu Chu: "..."

Can't laugh.

Before changing it, she thought that this person didn't care about her, and might even be concerned about the identity of the other party. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

After all, he is a prisoner who has been released from prison, and the other party is a cold male god among the police, which is difficult to handle.

But now she looks at this person and only thinks that her little cutie is really cute...

She looked at the police officer's beautiful profile. Although she looked cold and lazy, she stared at her faintly, but she didn't know if she would play with fire and set herself on fire if she continued to tease... Yu Chu is now very conscious and eager to survive. He wanted to cooperate and said, "Okay police officer, I know... I really haven't broken the law since I came out."

That is, fights and abuses scumbags or something.

Yan Mu looked at her indifferently.

"By the way, you just asked me about something, what is it?" Yu Chu asked him with a wink.

Hearing the words, the man paused for a moment, lowered his thick eyelashes, and casually opened his jacket with both hands.

Yu Chu: "..." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Is this a little too sudden? ? She doesn't even know his name! This takes off...

The thought in his mind has not yet formed, the tall young man raised his eyes and looked over, lifted his coat with his white fingers, and pulled a pistol from the holster on his waist.

Yu Chu was taken aback.

The young man in black was cold and his eyes were lowered. The gun was between his white and clean fingers, and the color was extremely cold.

Yu Chu raised his hands innocently.

Yan Mu glanced at her and saw that the other party raised his hand innocently and stared at him, with a hint of amusement in his sloppy eyes, "You didn't break the law, so you're still afraid of me?"

"You suddenly took a gun..." Yu Chu muttered.

The other party squinted his eyes and leaned lazily on the refrigerator. The gun twirled between his white fingers, and Yan Mu raised his eyebrows lightly, "Come here."

Yu Chu slowly moved over, "What?"

Yan Mu glanced at her slowly, took her hand, turned the gun around, pointed the muzzle at him, and put the handle of the gun gently in the girl's hand.

"Take it." He said lightly, "Also, my name is Yan Mu, you are out of prison, you don't need to call the police officer."

With a gun in his hand, Yu Chu couldn't help but look down carefully. The gun seemed light and light between the other's long fingers, but it was not light in his own hand. Yu Chu stared at the man's hand, her beautiful and slender fingers resting under her hands, the temperature was slightly cold.

She raised her head and asked suspiciously, "Give me a gun?"

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, but the police officer's clear and frosty eyes flashed a gloomy coldness.

As if admitting a mistake, Yan Mu lowered her eyelashes and said in a low voice, "I've caused you trouble, the woman on the pier may stare at you."

He pursed his lips, a little low.

Blame him.

When I saw her...

I can't control it, it's been too long.

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