100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1512 The police officer is strawberry flavored (53)


here we go again.

Yu Chu rolled his eyes in his heart.

She has already seen the essence of the police officer. Anything that is cold and evil is an appearance... He likes to eat candy and collect candy wrappers. This guy is obviously a child.

She took out a candy from her bag, but her face was slightly red, staring at the candy wrapper, slightly tangled.

And this guy asked for candy...

She raised her eyes and glanced at Yan Mu, who leaned against the wall and stared at her flatly.

Yu Chu lowered his head, bit the sugar into his lips, sat on the chair and raised his head, helplessly: "Come here."

The police officer walked over with his long legs, leaning over the armrest with both hands, his eyes rolled darkly, and his thin lips instantly covered hers, surrounded by a clean and clear breath.

His breath was light, and the tip of his tongue came over his lips and teeth, and licked the candy. The casual and ambiguous behavior made Yu Chu's eyelashes tremble slightly.

God, eat a candy or something...

What a shame!

Her eyelashes trembled, and she couldn't help but want to step back, but the police officer's white hand held the back of her head, her fingers stretched in between, white and black against the background.

The candy swirled between the two's lips and teeth, eating candy and kissing merged into one, the sweet candy fragrance melted between the lips, the other party's breath was slow, but there was a strong feeling, and it penetrated into her lips little by little.

There was a soft knock on the door.

The police officer stepped back slightly.

The girl in his arms gasped from the kiss, his fingertips touched the corner of her lips, he got up satisfied and went to open the door.

The man in black in front of the door was stunned, and keenly saw the moisture on Mr. Yan's thin lips. Surprised, he lowered his eyes quickly and handed over the tray in his hand.

Yan Mu glanced at him slowly and took the tray.

The man in black was about to step back and leave when the young man suddenly said lazily, "We will stay on the boat for a day and tell you to come and apologize as soon as possible."

After speaking, he closed the door.

The man in black was stunned for a long time.

If it was the eldest lady who asked for an apology, they wouldn't be so embarrassed. But Mr. Yan was protecting the young lady... The man in black recalled the lustrous luster on the other's lips, and he couldn't help but have a lot of ambiguous guesses.

The night was not peaceful.

Brittany lay tossing and turning in the bedroom. The sound insulation of the room is very good, but she heard the movement outside several times and didn't know what was going on. She buried her face in the pillow irritably.

If it were a normal day, she might be a little more alert to these sounds, but at this time, she was in a turmoil in her heart, she was already tossing and turning, and she didn't bother to pay attention to the movements outside. Anyway, it was already the high seas...

The police can't get here, everything is safe.

In the second half of the night, Brittany slept very restlessly. He opened his eyes half-dream and half-awake, but saw a black-clothed girl sitting on the windowsill not far away.

Outside the window was the pure white moonlight, and the girl sat slowly on the windowsill with a pistol in her hand.

Brittany woke up in an instant and stepped back subconsciously. The girl on the windowsill turned and looked over.

"Awake?" Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and said to himself, "That's not easy to handle."

She loaded the gun lightly, with a smile on her lips: "Be here obediently, I can save your life and let you live to the court. If you don't obey... Before you touch the gun, your life will be gone."

Brittany's hand froze.

She almost touched the gun under her pillow... But at this time, she didn't dare to move.

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