100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1513 The police officer is strawberry flavored (54)


It was only at this point that she realized that the noise she heard in the middle of the night might not be the people on the boat drinking...

She dared not think about it.

Did something happen?

No, it's impossible... This is the high seas, and Mr. Yan is still there. With his ability, how can the police get on the boat smoothly?

Before sailing, I had also checked the cabin, and there was no problem with the people on board...

She made up her mind and sneered: "You came here to threaten me... Yan know?"

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, and suddenly fired without warning. The bullet rubbed Brittany's cheek and drew a bloodstain on her face.

Brittany was stunned.

She touched the wound dully.

Compared with anger, horror surged in her heart for a moment... The other party's marksmanship was so accurate that he could pass by her cheek and only draw marks...

She looked at Yu Chu in astonishment.

The girl smiled at her, and said with a cold smile: "I don't like hearing you call him that... understand?"

Brittany was thinking.

It is said that Ling Qianjin has always been charming and willful. In order to protect her, Da Ling never let her appear in public... Where did she learn such good marksmanship?

Is it...

Brittany suddenly figured out something and shook his head subconsciously: "You are not the eldest lady."

Yu Chu smiled.

"You're not the eldest lady, you lied to Yan?" Brittany murmured, "No... Last time in the warehouse at the dock, Yan clearly said that he didn't know you..."

Before she finished speaking, a bullet pierced through her shoulder, and Brittany screamed, lying on the bed with a pale face, her facial features twisted in pain.

On the window sill over there, the girl blew the white smoke from the muzzle, jumped off the window sill, glanced at her, and said slowly: "I said, I don't like you calling him that. Next time I hear it, you will die. Gone."

Brittany contorted his face.

The last time we met in the warehouse, the other party was a small person who could be trampled to death by himself... But at this moment, the situation was completely reversed, and I was lying here like fish on a chopping board...

Resentment quickly appeared in Brittany's eyes, and he said coldly: "You lied to him, he will not let you go! I should have shot you at the pier!"

The resentful words drifted into Yu Chu's ears, the girl turned her head and hooked her lips in a funny way: "Don't you understand yet? He asked you to apologize to me. Do you think he would let you kill me at that time? Brittany. collar……"

She walked over and lifted the golden girl's chin with the muzzle, "Unfortunately, you're done."

Brittany stared at her for a few seconds, her face pale, "You..."

Before she could ask her words, there was a sudden explosion outside the room, as if the whole ship was shaking, and the blood on Brittany's shoulders meandered down, she forced herself and said sharply: "What's going on outside? This is the sea! Do you want to sink a ship—"

However, she saw that the girl in front of her was still unhurried, even aroused an interesting smile, and asked with a smile, "Oh? Do you think we are at sea?"

She smiled and said slowly: "I'm sorry to tell you, the ship turned back at midnight, and now we are not at sea, but at the dock."

The golden girl's expression was terrified.

The girl gently tapped the gun on the top of her head, and said kindly: "My task is just to take care of you."

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