100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1514 The police officer is strawberry flavored (55)


"If you cooperate obediently, there will be no problem in surviving until the court. But..." She raised her eyebrows thoughtfully and said slowly, "After you arrive at the court, based on what you have done, it will be a death sentence... It is hard to say. "

Brittany's expression was completely gray.

Of course she knows what she has done. Death penalty... I'm afraid she won't even have a chance to get a reprieve! Brittany gritted his teeth.

"Where's the big collar? How could he let you pretend to be..." She asked coldly with a white face.

"Didn't you guess?" Yu Chu smiled slightly.

Brittany's last fluke sank.

She knew this time was over.

If even the big collar falls into the hands of the police...

They won't have a chance to make a comeback.

After a few minutes.

She was handcuffed in heavy handcuffs, with bone-piercing pain in her shoulder, and was pushed out of the bedroom.

Walking out of the cabin to the deck, the sea level in the distance showed a tinge of fish belly white. She saw that all her own people were under control, squatting with their heads on the side.

Not far away, a man stood quietly.

The sea breeze ruffled his dark shatters, and those eyes were cold and indifferent. He looked over here, and then walked over with his long legs, "Are you alright?"

Of course it wasn't for Brittany, although she was bleeding from her shoulders and pale as a sheet of paper.

Yu Chu next to him said, "It's okay."

Brittany gritted his teeth, stared at Yan Mu with complicated eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "Are you... a police officer?"

He became the second leader of the mafia at a young age. With this cold-blooded character and style, no one in the underworld ever suspected that Mr. Yan would be an undercover police officer...

The pair of cold eyes of the other party looked over.

He was not wearing a long black coat commonly used in the underworld, but a snow-white shirt with a police uniform casually covering it. Brittany had never seen him look like this, but wearing the police uniform on this man had a sultry feeling between righteousness and evil.

He casually held the brim of the police cap and buckled it lightly on the top of his head, under the slightly curled beautiful broken tip, his snow-like eyes narrowed lazily, "I don't look like me?"

Brittany's face was extremely complicated.

Yu Chu stood beside him.

Yan Mu raised her eyes and glanced at her, then she was quiet for a few seconds, and said softly, "Come here."

Brittany was locked in handcuffs, and there were armed police behind him. He couldn't resist any longer. Yu Chu put down his gun and walked over, asking, "What's wrong?"

Yan Mu took her hand slowly.

Before Yu Chu could react, with a click, a pair of delicate handcuffs shackled her.

Yu Chu was stunned for a while, but he didn't return to his senses for a long time.

The police officer's expression was indifferent, he lowered his eyelashes, his white fingertips rubbed the edge of the handcuffs, and a little interesting smile appeared in his snow-like eyes.

After a long while, Yu Chu regained his voice and raised his handcuffed hands, "What are you doing?"

Yan Mu rubbed her head, her attitude was casual, but her voice was gentle: "You are now a big boss, and you need to go back to the police station for interrogation."

Yu Chu blinked, "But I'm not."

"Undercoveries are all registered," the police officer said calmly. "You don't have a roster, so you need to go through the process of interrogation." He turned to look at her, "But...with my testimony, it will be completed soon."

Yu Chu frowned at the handcuffs.

Going back to jail?

Seemingly seeing her entanglement, the man beside him leaned close, his voice was cold and ambiguous, and he said lazily, "Don't you think it's... easy to do things in prison?"

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