100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1522 The police officer is strawberry flavored (63)


The police next to him was also stunned.

Yan Mu has a wealthy family background and a cold personality, and he has also lived a prosperous life in the underworld. He has a ruthless and cold-blooded style in his bones, which is daunting.

Because of this icy personality, they never thought about it. Even if the two came out of the interrogation room that day, the little girl was still wearing the police uniform of Officer Yan, and everyone thought it was just a gentleman's act.

But thinking about it...

A cold person would help the little girl, which is a bit unreasonable...

"They stayed in the interrogation room all night?" The policeman next to him couldn't help scratching his head.

"Uh..." The little policeman was also stunned before slowly nodding, "The police station was so busy that day, Officer Yan went to interrogate the prisoner alone... But it was so late, the interrogation room was not open at that time. "

"That's Yan Mu..." The person next to him couldn't help but said, "You can judge anytime."

"Yes," the little policeman rubbed his head and said embarrassedly, "but the instrument should still not work, and no one dares to disturb the interrogation..."

The two looked at each other.


Without the use of interrogation equipment, how did the interrogation take so long?

I always feel like there is something amazing...

But... it's unlikely, right?

They hurriedly threw this unreliable idea out of their heads and fell silent.

In the distance, the man's wailing and howling also disappeared, and he was probably sent to prison.

After a long time.

The person next to him suddenly hesitated, and said with a hint of anticipation: "Why don't you go and see the surveillance?"

Still wondering what happened!

Although I always thought it was impossible... but two people stayed for one night, it still seemed very ambiguous!

The little policeman couldn't help laughing, "Are you stupid, if something happened, people would keep it under surveillance?"

This is true. As a policeman, how could Yan Mu not know the interrogation equipment. At that time, the interrogation room was not open, and most of the equipment was disabled.

"Hey..." The policeman next to him leaned against the wall and relaxed his hands and feet, "Officer Yan solved a major case at a young age, and I don't know why he left."

"It's a pity..." The little policeman agreed deeply after hearing this. "Maybe it's because of the danger. Although Officer Yan is very powerful, I'm afraid I'll get tired of doing this kind of undercover work all year round."

"Yeah...how can the police do so well..."


The waves on the beach wash the beach, and the soft sound makes people very comfortable.

In the dark car, Yan Mu slowly opened his eyes, instinctively raised his hand, and wrapped his arms around the girl's waist. His cold eyes softened, and he lowered his head and kissed her on the top.

The warm scene only lasted for a moment.

A red dot flashed past the window.

The instinctive response is normal, and the heart suddenly contracts. As a policeman, Yan Mu knew exactly what it was.

- Aimers!

There was an unpredictable gunshot, which was almost instantaneous. The police officer responded quickly. After looking at the girl and seeing the red dot of the sniper rifle, he quickly raised his hand to protect the girl's back and pressed her down.

The girl also raised her hand and hugged him back.

The bullet penetrated the car window.

There was a clatter of shattering glass.

But in the next instant, the bullet that was supposed to fall into the void miraculously changed its trajectory—

A shot went off.

A large red spread the sight.

The bullet shot from the girl's back, Yan Mu hugged her, and clearly saw the blood gurgling out.

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