100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1523 The police officer is strawberry flavored (64)


He was stunned for a second, and then the extreme horror slowly filled his eyes, and then he was completely uncontrollable, allowing panic and shock to occupy all his expressions.

Yan Mu's life is too legendary, and there are countless thrilling moments. Even when he was surrounded by snipers, there were only two bullets in the gun and his fingers were stable.

In the police officer's always cold eyes, there was a shattered light that was at a loss to the extreme. He reached out to hug her, but his fingers were shaking, and he realized it.

His fingertips were so cold he lost consciousness.

This moment seems to be very long, because of extreme fear, I can't even hear any sound, the world is quiet in my ears, and there is no noise.


He spoke softly, his voice so hoarse that he didn't seem to recognize it, the sound of his heart beating in his chest was so intense that it was almost deafening, and it seemed to stop completely.

He blinked helplessly, staring at the bullet hole where blood was oozing blood, his face surprisingly pale.

"You persevere, persevere..." The clear voice trembled, Yan Mu's dark eyes trembled, and she said in a hoarse voice, "There is a medicine box in the back, I'll get it... The ambulance will be here soon, you insist... "

He got up to get the medicine kit.

The girl in her arms raised her head with difficulty, her beautiful eyes lifted up, and she gently pulled him.

Yan Mu didn't dare to move for a moment.

"Good, let go..." His eyelashes trembled slightly, and the more he panicked, his calm personality had long since collapsed. He put his fingers on the girl's face, and when he noticed that the other party's skin was warm, he realized that his fingertips were too cold. Immediately and cautiously, he retracted his hand.

"I'm going to get the medicine kit." The police officer's clear and low voice trembled almost pleadingly.

The other party shook his head gently, "No, Ayan, listen to me...that bullet..."

The location is so deadly.

Before he finished speaking, his lips were covered by a slender hand, his movements were light as if he was afraid of breaking her, there was already a swaying star in the man's eyes, his expression was like a child's, and he said hoarsely, "You will be fine. ."

He could see the wound.

Although it penetrated from the back, the location is behind the heart. It is not an ordinary gun. It should be said that she can live a few more minutes now, and a few more minutes in this world...it is already a miracle...

A drop of water fell on the girl's hand.

She was stunned and looked up.

Perhaps it is a person with a cold-blooded personality, who has always stared at her with eyes like ice and snow, and that look is particularly moving.

He lowered his head slightly, put the girl's hand on his forehead, curled up under the master's hand like a pet.

The man is shaking.

like a small animal.

The rustling of the waves continued.

"Don't be afraid..." The girl tried her best to be authentic.

Night fell slowly.

The ambulance did not show up for a few hours after the call I made earlier, and the sound of the rustling waves was still in my ears, but there was no wind in the car.

"I'm not afraid." The man suddenly whispered.

He looked at the person in front of him, leaned over, and carefully kissed her cold lips.

He unbuttoned his coat, wrapped it around the girl, and carefully enveloped her, as if worried that the man who would never wake up would catch a cold.

With extremely cold fingers, he gently took a box and took out a pistol from it.

As the gun fell, there were two candy wrappers.

He put the candy paper back gently.


Bad words.

I never said I love you.

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