100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1544 You are the glory (14)


Yu Chu reached out his hand calmly, covered Qinglang's head, and blocked him: "If you have something to say, talk about it."

"Boss! It turns out that you are a hidden god! You are too powerful!" Qinglang was not affected at all, and was blocked, and still howled.

Several other boys also looked up with admiration, and looked at her with bright eyes.

"Boss, we have read all the strategies you gave us, and we have also tested a lot of methods just now, and they are very useful! And there are some of them. We also feel it after watching Jiangshen's video, but we can't organize them into strategies..."

Of course not. Yu Chu thought to himself.

That guy's operation skills, it's difficult to fully grasp just watching the video, only the real battle can get the feeling.

She didn't say it, only said: "I also found a lot of information on him before sorting it out. I will update the information for you in the future, so you can train well."

"Yes!" The boys were full of energy.

Yu Chu looked at them and smiled slightly: "Also, I have decided to replace the coach of the team myself. You guys can save the training data, and after I have read it, prepare for a meeting to review and find faults."

The boys widened their eyes in astonishment.

In the entire e-sports circle, it is unheard of for such a young coach to be a female coach.

But when several people remembered the shockingly detailed guide... they all nodded in convincing.

Yu Chu was about to go upstairs when he suddenly remembered something, took out his autograph from his pocket with a smile, "I saw hg today and asked for autographs for you."

Motivation comes with encouragement.


The boys looked at each other, and Qinglang was about to jump up excitedly, but was blocked by Yu Chu again.

"Which God is that?"

Everyone excitedly took it and unfolded it.

Then, one by one's faces stiffened.

After a long while, the five boys handed over their signatures with a sullen expression, and someone complained: "Boss, we know that hg signatures are not good, but how can you fool us with your signatures."

Yu Chu was dumbfounded: "Am I fooling you?"

The little brats have turned against the sky, she kindly ran to get an autograph, where would she use a fake to fool people?

One of the team members handed over the signature, and said sadly with a face on his back: "Boss, this is js Jiang Shen, right?"

Yu Chu glanced at it, "Yes."

"..." Several people looked at each other, "Boss, Jiang Shen never signs autographs."

Yu Chu was taken aback.

When she was going to sign today, it went well.

He even asked for five, but the other party agreed.

Sure enough, the boys' next sentence was: "Five more pictures... Boss, you should be approved."

Yu Chu was speechless. After a long while, his face was cold, and he said in a deep voice, "You can compare his handwriting."

It's actually signed by me.

Several teammates scratched their heads, "No way, boss, don't you know that no fan has ever gotten Jiang Shen's autograph... How can we compare this?"

Yu Chu: "..."

So she took the real autograph and no one believed it?

The boys looked at the boss's face, and finally put away the signature, "It's okay, boss, don't be sad, have you been deceived by some autograph seller? It's okay... We'll take it as Jiang Shen signed it!"

Yu Chu ignored them and turned to go upstairs.

Next time we meet, be sure to mention this to Jiang Chen! How can a real signature be used as a fake signature?

Never signed autographs for fans?

Then why did he sign five cards so easily?

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